Art club 🎨

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Haven't proofread, so bear with it please?

"Okay. So I have 5 classes with you and 3 alone." I nodded at Jisoo unnie. We returned to our classes after bunking a period. Well we can blame it on helping Jisoo. We took her school supplies, showed her her locker and her schedule. We have 5 lectures together. But  we need to part ways for our club activities and choosen subject. She chose history whereas I chose French in foreign language. I needed to as per my parents. There is compulsion of 2 clubs for students except the school council members.

Jisoo unnie has just joined acting club and music club. Rose is leader of music club and a cheerleader. Lisa is in dancing club and sports club . I'm in painting club and dancing club.

Our senior high school has divided each year in two divisions. After 6 months, some students are shuffled between the sections randomly. And if I'm right the list of shuffled students will come within a week. I just hope Jisoo unnie is with me and Irene too. We just got united!!

We walked towards our class. I immediately noticed Irene and when she looked at us, she ran towards us and gave Jisoo unnie a tight hug. "Finally" Irene whispered. Jisoo hugged her back and patted her back. They pulled back after a bit and I said "I think I need to change my seat." while teasing them. Irene shook her head and said "I'm sitting with Nayeon. Don't worry." I gave her a grateful smile and was about to thank her when our teacher arrived. He gave us a weird look and we went to back to our seats. After attending 2 periods we made our way to cafeteria for lunch.

Rose and Lisa were already waiting for us at our new spot. Well we changed our usual table and took the corner most one. There were two reasons of this. First, that table had a good view of those seven boys and that was where Taehyung noticed us. Secondly, this new spot has a window and I can always look outside. Also it far from them.

Me and Jisoo unnie approached them. I smacked Lisa on head when she was busy on her phone. She pouted at me but stuffed her phone back in her pocket. We ate our lunch while chatting about the day. Mostly Lisa complaining about a certain annoying guy who happened to be Jeon Jungkook. "And guess what! He fucking stole my English homework. I gave it to Bambam but he took it from him. He literally copied every single thing, even my name. " Lisa told us. " You know, I was so surprised when the teacher called Jungkook as Lisa. For a second I thought she was teasing him with her name." Rose laughed. " I swear I'm gonna steal his Maths test Mr.Shin gave us today from Mingyu and will change his answers after copying." Lisa smiled not so charmingly. I sighed. I don't know how Lisa managed to grab his attention. Like he is so uncomfortable with strangers especially girls. And well he is not rude but just blunt. Like a girl asked him if he was free this weekend and he replied as " Yes. But for you its a no." I grimaced remembering the humiliation she felt at that time.

Jisoo's phone dinged. She opened her phone's lock and  frowned after staring at the screen. She typed something and turned her phone off. She looked outside the window and sighed. Lisa was still telling us new ways of pulling pranks on Jungkook. I looked at Jisoo unnie and she looked lost in her own thoughts. She looked back from the window at someone. I followed her gaze and she was looking at those five guys. Okay.... I know she is hiding something from us but is that something related to them? I hope not. She has just returned and I don't want her to be target of their fans. And Jisoonie is a social butterfly. Rumours about her will spread like fire. Last time when Namjoon held her in his arms, he had warned those girls. He even politely make some students to delete the recordings. She was saved at that time. I don't guarantee for the next time though.

"Jisoonie?" Rose broke her trance and she hummed. "Why are you not eating your food? It's getting cold." Jisoo smiled at her and ate her leftover food in silence. We all looked at her with wide eyes. Jisoo and silence were like enemies. She just can't stay quiet when we all are together. Why does it feel like she has changed in that year? If that's the case then I want my old unnie back. She was so cheerful and like the mother of our group. Seeing her like this is making my heart heavy. I never wanted her to change her cheerful and bubbly self. I looked at the boy's table and saw them enjoying their lunch while chatting and laughing. I sighed. I hope it's not them.

As it was the starting of the new session, clubs were recruiting new members. The most successful and famous club of course was the sports club. All the five boys Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung were members of this club with Taehyung being leader. I wonder which club will he choose as secondary club. Last time it was dancing club.
Then comes the dancing club and painting club. Jung Hoseok has given up his job of council president so he needed to join a club. I think he chose dancing club. Park Jimin is in dancing club with Jeon Jungkook. Kim Seokjin is 4th year male representative so he is saved.

After club activities I have a meeting with school council. It is more like an introduction and other a few things. And the male council president will be revealed today. I entered the art club room and took the seat at my usual place. A new trainer will arrive today due to retirement of previous one. I looked around and found quite a lot students there. Okay,.. I know art club is popular but it came with talent and a lot of patience. And by judging them, I doubt they have the latter one. Almost all of them were chatting with each other while scrolling on their phone. The usual peaceful and calm atmosphere is gone.But then again, I should not judge the book by it's cover.

Almost fifteen minutes later, our new trainer came. He looked like he is in his late twenties. He wore a white shirt tucked in his dark blue jeans. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome but what amazes me is his art. I've seen his a few works online and those were too pretty.

I was busy appreciating our new trainer that I failed to notice a certain someone entering the class. Who is he? I never saw him here. He was wearing our school's uniform, so he was a student. And judging by the coat he had, he was a senior. There are minor uniform changes in first, second year students and third, fourth year students. Like our coat has detailing in red and juniors has white.

"Kai, place the books here and take a seat." Our new trainer told the new boy. Kai nodded and took a seat at the front. "Good afternoon students. I'm your new trainer Kim Myun bin. Now onwards I will guide you in art club." he said to us.

Now I know why there were this much students for art club. This trainer's looks were no joke. He could have been a model. Mr Kim looked at the entire room and said "I appreciate you all who joined art club, but I prefer talent and genuine interest. Those who came here just because they has to, can leave." His voice echoed in the silent room. I looked at him amused. And some students did left the club room. But there were still a lot students.

"Okay. I hope those who are here has some talent. Art is not only about painting something pretty and colourful on the canvas. It is a way to express the feeling, to share the unspoken. Art can be anything you are feeling. It came with the talent in hands and creativity in mind. So let's check that. I'm giving you all twenty minutes to draw whatever is on your mind right now. I wil give you give minutes to think and prepare yourself. After that I'll decide if you will stay or not." He said.

I'm surprised to hear this. Usually the clubs are asked to have more members to attract the sponsors and popularity. I thought of something to draw. It's not like I don't have a single idea. It's like I have a lot but none as appealing.

He asked to draw what's on your mind. Right. I'll draw what's on my mind right now. Five minutes passed and Mr. Kim gestured us to draw. I picked my brush and moved it towards the canvas. Before it can touch the canvas, I hesitated. Will it be worth it?Will I complete it on time? I looked up and surprisingly Mr. Kim was looking at me. He must have noticed me hesitating because he smiled at me. He looked at others and said again "Draw what's on your mind. It's your creativity I'm looking forward. It's okay even if you can't complete it in twenty minutes."

Hearing his words, confidence bloomed in my chest. Without any further doubt I started to paint the canvas.


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