Chapter Two

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For a year after the tragedy, Carlisle lived only in the shadow of the man he had been. Garrett was more present than ever, caring for his friend's daughter who was unable to leave her room. He still hoped Carlisle would come around, and bear the pain of losing Alana. So, with patience, he continued to maintain the small Cullen house, helped by Astrea who followed him everywhere like his shadow.

- Daddy will soon be like he was before, won't he ? She repeated to him tirelessly every day.

And every day, Garrett told her that she shouldn't lose hope.

At first, he was worried about her. What would happen to her without parents ? Because even if Carlisle was still alive, he was rather absent. However, after a first week of sullenness, the little girl had quickly found her usual joy of living and seemed determined to support her father. If the emptiness left by her mother still troubled her, she did not show it.

Around winter time, Carlisle seemed to regain a taste for life. He smiled more and more each day, and began to go out again, and to take care of the house. But Garrett knew that this was a fragile state and that he had to be careful with his friend. One false step and Carlisle could relapse. That day almost came when Astrea decided to help Garrett with the meal.

The little girl was in a playful mood, and she snatched the only spatula in the kitchen from Garrett. With a smile in the corner of her eyes, she looked him in the face, defiantly, when he turned to her.

- Catch it if you can ! She threw to him.

- You will see ! Come by there !

She walked around the table and out the front door. Garrett followed her, and caught up with her as far as the entrance. He was about to take back what she had taken from him when she swerved. One step back. Just one step. But the ice on the stoop had not yet melted and the little girl slipped on the first step. Surprised, he had no time to make any movement to catch her and Astrea rolled down the stairs. He almost let out a sigh of relief when he saw the little girl get up, seemingly out of the way. But he almost did, only. Because the smell of blood had filled his nostrils at the very moment when she got up.

Alarmed, he ran to her and caught her before she could fall back to the ground, her legs no longer holding her.

- Astrea, do not move. He recommended.

She did not answer him, her eyes in the dark. He cursed himself for not having reacted in time. The girl was bleeding profusely and he had to act before a second tragedy struck the Cullens. Suddenly, Carlisle's voice reached his ears.

- Garrett ! What's going on ?

He lifted his head, and took the little girl in his arms.

- She fell down the stairs. Quick, you've got to fix her up before we lose her. He pressed.

His shirt was already soaked with blood. Fearing for Carlisle's condition at the sight of her livid eyes, Garrett was taken by surprise. What could he do ? Would his friend make it ?

- Take her to my office. Carlisle replied, answering his silent questions.

He had regained his doctor's gaze, with its implacable composure. Garrett didn't have to say it twice and rushed through the small house to the office. Then, when he arrived at his destination, he placed Astrea as gently as possible on the bunk. The girl did not even react. Fearing the worst, Garrett anxiously watched the doctor examine his daughter. After a few moments, the verdict was in.

- I will be able to close her wound, but she is losing too much blood.

- So what do I do ?

Carlisle frowned.

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