Chapter Twenty-One

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Carlisle left the building with a smile on his face. When Astrea saw him, she hurried to join him while Garrett went out after the doctor.

- What's up ? Said the young woman when she arrived to meet them.

- So, it's settled and paid for ! Garrett answered her with a smile.

He took her in his arms while making her turn, which made her laugh.

I have more two years, let me go down idiot.

I confirm, you're heavier than I remember...

Not surprisingly, Astrea crushed his foot when she came back down.

- Thank you daddy, without you we would never have been able to pay for the house, said the little red-eyed vampire turning to her father.

The latter returned her smile.

- Unlike you two, I had money saved up.

- You're the man who could buy a whole town on your own, with your money. Garrett grumbled.

His remark provoked laughter from his two sidekicks. He had never been attracted to money, content to live in seclusion like a nomad ; the vampire life had its advantages. Astrea had followed him, quickly getting used to this way of life.

Except that without goals, they were bored wandering like two lost souls through the different states of America. Settling down somewhere had been Carlisle's idea, a hypothesis almost immediately adopted by the couple.

The rain began to fall again. As one, the trio walked briskly toward the doctor's car, a Mercedes S55 AMG.

- Don't wait for me to get home, I have something to do first. Garrett told them as he walked around the car and headed towards the center of town.

Astrea glanced at him in surprise. When she turned to Carlisle who was sitting behind the wheel, he shrugged, a smile on his face.

- You know what he's going to do, right ?

- Maybe he will. Be patient, you'll find out soon enough. Affirmed her father, placing a reassuring hand on his daughter's knee. Let me enjoy you a little before you go.

- Where are we going ?

- You'll see...

The young woman smiled. He too had missed her.


- It's been a long time since I've seen the sea...

Astrea burst out laughing.

- You don't travel enough.

- Not wrong, admitted Carlisle.

With their feet in the sand and shoes in hand, they walked along the beach. The fresh air barely made them shiver, and the sunset stretched to the horizon. Luckily, there was no one around at this hour, allowing the two vampires to enjoy their walk without worrying about their skin glistening like diamonds. The little red-eyed vampire couldn't hold back a smile at the thought. Her father questioned her with his eyes.

- When Garrett told me that vampires glowed, I didn't believe him...

- Was that the morning you left ? Carlisle asked softly, pulling his daughter to him.

- Yes, it was. Just before I killed the old man.

The tone was calm. Astrea had gone through and tamed that shame and fear she had felt the first time she realized she had killed someone.

- Did you enjoy drinking her blood, or did you already have the particularity of being one ?

- No, but I didn't know I was going to like Garrett's blood. I thought all blood tasted the same.

A soothing silence settled in. They stayed that way for a long time, watching the movement of the waves. When they headed back to the car, Astrea took one last look at the sea, regretting a little that she couldn't stay longer.


Garrett was long gone by the time Carlisle and Astrea arrived at the Cullen house. He was leaning against the wall outside, hands in his pockets, wisely awaiting their return. The rain had stopped a little while ago. His eyes closed, tasting the forest air, he was thinking.

It was hard for him to realize that after eighty-nine years on the run, they were finally going to land somewhere. It was good for Astrea ; she needed to see Carlisle even if she didn't really realize it. What about him ? Was this a good solution ? He thought back to the years he had spent with Carlisle and Astrea, when she had just lost her mother. Despite his initial misgivings, he had enjoyed staying with the Cullens for a while ; he had enjoyed those days without wondering where he was going next.

It couldn't hurt them after all, to stay here, if only for a short time. They were no longer alone. They could count on Carlisle ; however, he was going to have to work a little to pay him back. It was a good thing he only liked Astrea's blood, otherwise working with humans would have been a bit more complicated.

He opened his eyes again when he heard the tires of the Mercedes on the gravel surrounding the house. Astrea came up to him, a joyful gleam in her eyes.

How was the ride ?

- Did you know that Dad wanted to take me to the beach or did you give him the idea ? She replied, mockingly.

- Both. It was of mutual agreement, answered the doctor by laughing.

He entered the house, not without having thrown a mysterious wink to his friend.

What are you two up to ?


He approached her, hands still in his pockets, looking nonchalant.

- You believe that I will be satisfied with that ? She whispered to him, playing with her eyebrows.

- And how do you intend to make to have an interesting answer ?

I'll wait for you to give it to me since something tells me I'll know it now.


He leaned in to kiss her. She pressed herself a little more against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Without ceasing to kiss her, he started again the discussion.

To tell you everything, I wanted to propose you something.

What is it ?

Since we plan to stay and move here, I thought we could maybe... Let's say make our relationship official.

Surprised, his companion moved back a little to plunge his gaze into hers.

- Huh ?

- Do you want to marry me ? He murmured to him by pressing his forehead against his.

He took out his hand from his pocket, in which was a small box. He didn't need to open it for Astrea to understand what was inside. Without taking his eyes off her, he removed the lid of the box, revealing two identical, simple gold wedding rings.

I love you.

Is it yes ?

She answered him with a significant kiss. 


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