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- I thought I made it clear that I only wanted a few people...

- So did I, honey.

Garrett and Astrea watched the people arrive, and the little vampire felt like it would never end. They were outside, in the Cullen's huge garden, not far from the white decorated tables. Standing next to the wooden platform that had been set up the day before, they watched the arrivals with a critical eye.

- Alice must have done a lot again. Remarked the ex-nomad, pointing with his chin to the brunette.

This last one who was occupied to serve glasses of champagne, turned over towards them and articulated silently :

- I heard !

Garrett gave her his best smile as he raised his own glass in her direction. Astrea could not help but laugh, and Garrett hugged her a little tighter around the waist.

It had been a week since the recent events. The press was still talking about it, rehashing the story of a scientist who kidnapped people to make them guinea pigs. The death chamber explosion was a mystery to everyone except Charlie and the Cullen family. The latter was much better, and was happy to have his daughter back. They had spoken at length, and could finally start again on new bases, without lies. Bella was more than happy. Charlie was too, even if it took her a little while to understand that Renesmee was her and Edward's real child, and not an adopted child as they had made them believe.

As for the Holy Mother, Charlie had finally found traces of her past, thanks to the secret agents he had hired. Anne Marie de Beaumont had seen her parents die before her eyes when she was still a child ; after being taken in by her aunt and uncle, she had devoted her life to very mysterious research, in which she always spoke of supernatural creatures she called Vampires. Of course, everyone had classified her as traumatized by the murder of her parents, and the case had been closed. As far as the army was concerned, and all the soldiers she had hired in her service, they were mostly veterans, who had trained her for an exorbitant amount of money. She simply said in her diaries that she wanted to be fully trained as a fighter, to be able to defend herself against the Vampires.

Andy Elder had simply been the wallet for this deal. He had paid for all of Anne Marie's facilities and equipment, and then participated in some of the torture and murder. He too had lost a loved one in the past, his wife, Lily Elder. She was killed while expecting her first child, which explains his voluntary involvement in the project of the woman in the white coat. Vampires had struck again, murderous and violent.

The week had allowed them all to recover, either physically or mentally. Alice had taken charge of Garrett and Astrea's wedding, making invitations and placing last minute orders. In just a few days, she had turned their house into a giant storage room, crammed with boxes and all sorts of items she deemed essential for a proper wedding. They had let her do it, not having a say in the matter.

That's why they were all together today, all dressed up and shiny as new. In the morning, the Cullen family had accompanied Garrett and Astrea to the town hall to sign the marriage contract. The couple wanted something simple, and a meal with guests for the early afternoon was more than enough ; but of course, Alice couldn't help but add her own personal touch.

Carlisle approached our duo, accompanied by a couple, a werewolf by the smell of it and a small redhead.

- Astrea, Garrett, this is Gina and Adam. They work with me at the hospital.

Polite handshakes and shy smiles.

- I'm glad to see you looking so well, Adam commented. And this time before you jump out of a window !

His remark lightened the mood ; then a clink of glass silenced the audience. Alice put down her glass and walked towards Garrett and Astrea, talking all the while.

Trouble is coming...

remarked the ex-nomad.

She promised me she wouldn't do that...

groaned Astrea.

If there was one thing they both hated, it was being the center of attention. However, Astrea had suspected the shenanigans the moment her half-sister had proposed that they exchange their vows and alliances that afternoon.

- I know they told me not to, Alice admitted, but we still had to officially congratulate the newlyweds.

Carlisle joined Alice, holding a small polished glass plate in his hands. On it were placed two silver wedding rings.

In addition Carlisle is accomplice. He'll hear me, that one.

Grumbled Garrett, while Alice climbed onto the stage and beckoned them to join them.

Since they had no say in the matter, they went up silently, both anxious.

It's too quiet. I don't like it.

I don't like it either, honey.

- Astrea, continued Alice, even though we haven't known each other for very long, I already consider you my sister. What we went through a few days ago has brought us so much closer together, and that's the only nice thing about this whole thing. And Garrett, I know you'll take care of her, just like she'll take care of you. But of course, I can make you a small injection of recall from time to time, if ever you forget. Added she with malice under the laughter of the assembly.

She has just threatened me or I dream ?

Forget it.

- Alice said almost all. Continued Carlisle while going up to join them. It is certain that you are made to be together. Garrett, you are one of my oldest friends, and I am very happy for you. And you, my little Astrea, my little moonflower, I am even more proud, and moved, by the person you have become. I am sure that your mother would have been very proud of you too.

Astrea squeezed Garrett's hand with emotion, so hard that he winced. Fortunately, they had their backs to the audience, and only Alice and Carlisle noticed his face.

- Finally, we wanted to personally present you with your wedding rings, symbols of your union and love, Alice said.

Carlisle held out the plate. Garrett took the one on the right, Astrea the one on the left ; and in one motion, one put the ring on the other, while the other put the ring on the other.

- By the sacred bonds of marriage, concluded Carlisle, we declare you husband and wife.

And to the cheers and applause of the audience, Garrett grabbed Astrea by the waist and kissed her tenderly. The little vampire couldn't hold back a smile, and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck before returning his kiss.

I love you...

The End ♥

Cullen - Origins [English Version - FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now