Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The three vampires exchanged a glance. The room, similar to the others they had passed through in their escape attempt, was immaculate with white walls. There was another door in the back, also locked by a digital recognition system. Where could they escape to ? As time went on, the vampires began to lose hope. The Holy Mother turned to them, and ordered the soldiers to line them up in front of the right wall, arms at their sides. Carlisle had a horrible feeling, which was confirmed when the woman in the white coat walked over to one of the tables and took three syringes.

- What are you going to do to us ? Emmett gasped at the sight of the objects.

To Carlisle's surprise, she answered straightforwardly, as if she had nothing left to lose.

- You've seen the bodies ; and while they've given me many interesting discoveries, I know I'm not at the end of the adventure. My search is not over, and I intend to finish it. The police will not be able to stop me. I'm just going to take some blood samples ; nothing too bad, right ?

As she spoke, she approached them and began to stick the needle into Jasper's arm, who tried very hard not to move.

- How will our blood help you in your search ? Emmett continued.

Carlisle gritted his teeth. A lot of things... He thought darkly. Family connections, but also tests to design poisons to kill them, for example... As if to illustrate her thoughts, the woman in the white coat turned to Emmett, a sadistic smile on her lips.

- If you knew. Replied she by planting him the needle in the arm.

The latter held back a grimace. When the Holy Mother turned to Carlisle, she continued :

- However, I believe that the most interesting discovery I was able to make thanks to these blood tests is what the blood test of your dear child gave : Astrea Cullen.

The doctor held his gaze mercilessly, but his jaw tightened in anger despite himself. With her own blood test, the woman was going to discover that Astrea was her true child, biologically speaking. What else was she going to make up ? He wasn't surprised that the Holy Mother had discovered a difference between Astrea and the other vampires : Astrea was a being-who-is-one to begin with, something rare among vampires, her blood was constantly mixed with Garrett's ; her newborn powers made her even more different. Because of this, she must have been harder to kill than the other vampires, which explained the fact that she looked better than Alice when they found them...

When the woman in the white coat had finished taking blood, she took a case from a shelf, and put the syringes in it. She then added a few vials that were lying around on the tables around her, plus a weapon. When she had done this, she closed the case with a loud bang and turned back to the group, weapon in hand. Her impassive face made the doctor shiver.

Now she'll kill us. Carlisle mused. And they had no way out. He took a deep breath as he thought of the others ; he prayed one last time that they would all be safe, out of danger.

Suddenly, three rifle shots rang out in the room. Quick. Brief.


Garrett fluttered his eyelids. The pounding headache that had been nagging at his temples for quite some time was beginning to subside. The nausea was gone, and his muscles were slowly regaining their strength.

You're getting better.

The ex-nomad looked up at Astrea. Sitting upright on her bed, she was watching him in silence. He smiled at her, nodding imperceptibly. He felt a movement behind him, but was not worried ; if he had been in danger, Astrea would have already reacted. A few seconds later, a doctor entered his field of vision, before moving away towards the door, leaving them alone.

He must surely go to warn his colleagues that you are awake. She informed him.

One is where ? He questioned her.

He massaged his temples, moving a little while she answered him.

In the hospital. We've been here for almost an hour, and I'm bored. The doctors gave you some medicine for the poison, and went to do some tests to find out what exactly they're dealing with.

The medicine apparently worked.

Yeah, it seems to have. Do you think you can get up ?

Garrett looked at him.

You want to get out of here. What's on your mind ?

Nothing. I just want to stretch my legs. I just want to stretch my legs.


Silence answered him, and he knew he was right. Astrea pouted, disappointed that he had not taken the bait.

Patience, there is no hurry. We won't be able to help the others anyway, we'd be useless there.

His words softened the face of his companion for a few moments. But the next second, when he was about to sit up in bed, his face became a mask of pure terror. Garrett felt at the same moment what his accomplice felt herself :

The vision was brief, but significant. They were seeing through Carlisle's eyes. The woman in the white coat stood before him, her face closed. No emotion betrayed her thoughts. Then she raised her gun with savage speed, and three blasts followed her gesture.

When Garrett shook himself, the gun's blasts were still ringing in his ears. He scrambled to his feet and nearly tripped over the sheets that had fallen at his feet. When he reached Astrea, he almost collapsed on top of her, his legs still lacking some energy, numb from the drugs and poison. When he saw the scarlet pupils of his companion, he knew that nothing could stop him.

- Whatever you do, he whispered, I'm coming with you.

She nodded with a roar of anger. She pushed him away moodily, and headed for the window. Alice, who had left her bed after observing their exchange, approached Garrett, looking worried.

- What's going on ?

- Astrea has seen Carlisle, he is in serious danger. Answered the ex-nomad without leaving her companion's eyes, who was opening the window and gauging the distance between her and the ground.

- A vision ? Asked Alice, surprised.

Garrett shook his head.

- I don't think so. Astrea has always been very close to Carlisle. It's not the first time she can see through his eyes when he's in a bad way.

At that moment, Astrea jumped with agility and discretion through the window. The two vampires followed her with their eyes, and hurried to follow her before she got away from them, for she was already starting to run towards the park.


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