Chapter Thirty-Four

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/!\ In this chapter, some scenes may be offensive to some people. Since I don't know all of you, I prefer to warn you; I will put three asterisks (***) at the beginning and at the end of the particular scenes so you can skip them if you don't want to read them. On that note, happy reading! ♥

When the three vampires landed at the end of the hallway, a single closed door in front of them, they exchanged a knowing look.

- Finally ! Emmett exclaimed as he pushed open the door. I was wondering when we'd get to the end of this damn corridor...

His voice stopped short when he opened the door completely. Another room plunged in the complete darkness greeted them.

- We got lost. Jasper commented with a sigh.

The doctor was about to open his mouth to answer him when a noise behind him startled him.

- Quickly ! He suddenly urged. We've been followed, I can hear the soldiers in the distance.

- They must have caught up with us, Emmett grumbled.

- We have to hide in the room, maybe we can do as before to escape them. Declared the doctor while entering the room.

They closed the door discreetly behind them. The silence settled and they were surprised not to hear anything more.

- Oops... Emmett suddenly whispered.

- What did you do now ? Jasper muttered.

- I flipped the switch, and now I don't know if the light is on or off.

- I can't believe this ! Hissed the vampire. Are you doing this on purpose ?!

Carlisle, who was standing next to Jasper, squeezed his arm.

- Boys, this is not the time, we should...

It was at that moment that the light came on. White and blinding, it took them a while to get used to the sudden light.

- Emmett, extinguish me that ! Carlisle ordered.

Except that the vampire remained forbidden, one finger on the switch, looking straight ahead in horror. The doctor glanced at Jasper, who was also not moving. Intrigued by their behavior, he turned to face what was so frightening to his adopted sons.


- Oh my God... Carlisle let out.

In front of him were dozens of hospital beds, all occupied by bodies. Corpses. Some were covered with dirty, once-white sheets ; others hadn't even been allowed that privilege : bound by strong ties, their bodies were split open, dried blood staining their beds. Others had their throats slit in two, revealing half-mutilated organs. Their faces all showed terrified expressions of pain and suffering. Where limbs touched the bonds, chains or ropes, blood surrounded the once raw wounds. On their arms, they all had several needle marks. Most of the bodies were decomposing, and Carlisle was surprised he hadn't noticed the smell when he entered the room.


He approached cautiously, somewhere between disgust and astonishment.

- These people are professionals. Each mutilation is done with amazing precision. He commented.

He took a breath to calm himself. This was not the time to flinch.

- These people are monsters, Emmett said.

- Except they think we're the monsters, Carlisle retorted. All these dead bodies are vampires. He added in a gloomy tone.

A cold chill settled over the room.

- So Alice and Astrea...

Jasper didn't finish his sentence, refusing to think what might have happened if they hadn't found them in time.

- Some of them were already dead, and undergoing autopsies. Carlisle continued his inspection. Others were alive and well, unfortunately for them, he concluded with a sigh.

- Torture.

Carlisle nodded silently. They had to get out of this hellhole as soon as possible, with the two werewolves. Now it was a matter of life and death.


- Ah, finally ! Exclaimed the Holy Mother when the power was restored.

Still on edge, Elder gasped for the umpteenth time.

- We're not too far from the room now. He remarked, glancing at his phone.

This last rang as soon as he had finished his sentence, making him startle even more.

- You need to take up yoga, Elder. Commented the Holy Mother. You're too tense.

You should be, he mused as he picked up the phone.

- Yes ?

- Sir, we've managed to get the power back on in your section. The cameras aren't working yet, and everything is still blocked, but we're working on it ! Said a soldier.

- Good. Call me back when there's news.

- Yes, sir.

- Send us a troop of able-bodied soldiers, Elder, the Holy Mother said when he hung up.

- I'll see what I can do, he grumbled, punching in a number.

He was finding it harder and harder to bear it.


- So what do we do Carlisle ?

The doctor turned to Emmett, thoughtful.

- Obviously, we don't have much of a choice. He began.

- If we get caught, we have a good chance of ending up like them. Jasper replied, pointing to the corpses.

- And if we go out and meet armed soldiers, we have a good chance of getting shot with poisoned bullets. Emmett added with a pout.

The doctor frowned thoughtfully. His sons were right, but they couldn't stay here; it was obvious that they would soon be found. They had to move, but where ? They were at a dead end.

- Hey, why don't we hide ?

Surprised, he turned back to Emmett who had crossed the room and was now near the left wall. In front of him were three unoccupied beds, covered with weathered and moth-eaten sheets.


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