Chapter Sixty-Three

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Charlie observed attentively the small troop which was facing them. All dressed in black, about ten of them, they were waiting calmly, letting the person who seemed to be their leader, this mysterious Smith, speak. He knew that the latter was lying about his involvement in the case of Alice and Astrea Cullen. It was clearly written, in black and white, that this Smith had kidnapped the two young women. He wasn't going to let them get away with it when there was evidence to contradict their false claims.

- You will follow us. We're going to take you back to Forks with us. Decreed the sheriff, signaling to some of his men.

The latter went towards the small troop. Smith clenched his jaw, and his eyes flashed with frustration and anger for a few seconds.

- I think we should follow you in our own car, he retorted, his expression changing. It's parked outside, not far from here. That way you won't have to fit a dozen extra men in there.

Charlie shook his head.

- No way. I want to keep an eye on you. He replied.

- You can trust me.

Charlie raised an ironic eyebrow.

- No more jokes. Let's go. he cut off, showing that the discussion was over.

He stepped forward to help his colleagues move the little group forward when Smith yelled.

- NOW !

A bang echoed down the hallway, then thick smoke prevented him from seeing more than a few inches ahead. He couldn't even see his own feet! He noted. He held back an expletive and pulled out his gun, pointing it at him.

- Find me those bastards ! He ordered angrily.


With one hand on the wall so he wouldn't get lost, the other in the void around him, Smith moved with a sure and firm step ahead of him. He felt a hand grip more firmly on his other arm. It was the signal that all his men were following him, each clinging to the person in front of him. Well, they hadn't lost anyone, and the exit door would soon be within reach. The smoke became less and less thick, and Smith picked up the pace. It wouldn't be long before the cops found their way out too, and the smoke wouldn't last forever. It was a matter of minutes.

When he could see again, Smith rushed to the door, which he could see a few feet ahead. His men on his heels, he opened it wide while fumbling in his pocket for his car keys. Once outside, they charged toward the car parked where they had left it a few minutes earlier. Smith opened it and as soon as he got behind the wheel, he sped off.

- Everyone's here ! Said one of his men as he sat in the passenger seat.

Smith hit the gas and they left the park in a cloud of dust. Once they were on the road, he headed for the highway to the nearest airport ; one of his men had paid for their tickets in the morning.

When he was sure he would not be pursued by the police, he relaxed. A smile passed over his face.

- Do you still have the merchandise ? He said to the crowd.

- Yes, sir !

Shouts of joy rang out in the cabin, and the good mood was infectious.


- They drove off in a car !

- Follow them and don't lose their trail ! Charlie barked into the walkie-talkie.

- Yes, sir !

Charlie grumbled as he put the walkie-talkie away. By the time a troop of police followed them, they would have a head start. The smoke had cleared completely, leaving them alone in the hallway while Smith's little troop had already left. They had been fooled like beginners, and that, Charlie would never forgive himself. He should have been much more careful. Did Smith know they had captured vampires ? Surely, because Andy Elder must have warned them that their targets weren't regular humans... How else could they have captured them ?


Astraea gasped as a voice roused her from her half-sleep. Although vampires didn't sleep, the little red-eyed vampire had found a way to simply rest her mind without actually sleeping ; she closed her eyes and stopped listening to the noises around her, as babies do. The loud, masculine voice that didn't match the quiet rhythm of the hospital surprised her.

- I have to talk to you.

Astrea opened her eyelids and sat up. She had slumped against Garrett, who had also fallen asleep. They were sitting on two small chairs stuck against the wall of the room. After waiting in the hallway, the entire Cullen family had found the boys in their room. Carlisle was slowly recovering, and Emmett and Jasper were already much better. Since then, they had been waiting together in the room, with the girls sitting in the four corners of the room, and Garrett and Astrea slumped in their respective chairs, near the doctor's bed.

In fact, it was a doctor from the hospital who had just spoken. The short brown hair, the tanned skin, his distinctive smell made them tense up.

- What is a werewolf doing here ? As a doctor, of all things ? Garrett commented suspiciously.

Astrea's dull growl echoed his question. Unlike the other members of the Cullen family, they were not used to living with werewolves.

- Carlisle Cullen is also a doctor and a vampire. Retorted the man looking Garrett straight in the eyes.

Garrett opened his mouth to retort, but Edward interrupted.

- Relax, he's here to help us, nothing else.

The werewolf nodded.

- Yes, he did. He confirmed. It's about the poison.

- Have you found an antidote ? Esme asked hopefully.

She too was standing next to Carlisle, her hand firmly holding her husband's.

- Not really. The Wolf replied with a grimace. It's more complicated. In fact, the poison you received was a mixture of other existing poisons. There was cyanide, arsenic and Fugu poison. As you may already know, we already have antidotes for the first two poisons. Only, Fugu poison is still a poison for which no one has ever found an antidote.

- So are we dead ? Emmett cut in with a sigh.

- Not you. The Wolf retorted. This poison is deadly because it causes the person who has contracted it to stop breathing. But you are vampires, and as far as I know, vampires do not need to breathe to live.

The Cullen family nodded in silence.

- That leaves Jacob and Seth who are werewolves. Continued the Wolf. But then again, my team at the lab may have found a solution.

- Wait, you told them who we are ? Rosalie asked.

The Wolf shook his head.

- No, and that's why their solution will apply to you too if you stay here. Although I don't really know what it will do to you...

- And what is this solution ?

The Wolf made a face and was about to answer the blonde when Carlisle answered in his place.

- Blood transfusion. He muttered.

Garrett and Astrea exchanged an eloquent look.


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