Chapter Fifty-Eight

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As the sheriff walked ahead of the small group in the basement of the building, his brain was thinking of all the possible and unimaginable plans to get out of this more than disastrous situation. What could he come up with to convince everyone that the best solution was to burn down the death chamber ? What if nothing could convince them ? Would he manage to discreetly burn something to make the fire look like an accident ? As they walked down the hallway, Charlie wondered if he would be forced to choose the latter option...

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he was startled when the little man next to him spoke up. It was him who had revealed the existence of the room, since he knew the part of the building by heart, being in charge of monitoring the cameras.

- It's over there. He said, turning right.

The rest of the small troop followed him in silence, and a few meters farther in front of them, stood a metallic door.

- It is there. Said the little man in a quavering voice.

Charlie glanced at him in the corner. It was clear he wanted to be somewhere else, and the sheriff would have put his hand up to the fact that he had never set foot here, let alone in the death chamber.

- Do you know how this door opens ? He asked after clearing his throat to keep his voice from shaking.

The little man shook his head negatively.

- Well, you know what to do then, the sheriff grumbled, turning to his men.

The policemen nodded silently as they set up the explosives they had brought with them. Charlie had suspected that opening the door would cause them problems, like the other one that only Astrea had managed to break through.


Smith pulled his sunglasses up his nose. With his arms crossed over his chest, he waited patiently for the man he had sent to scout to return. He was settled behind the wheel of his truck, his men in the back, hidden in the shadows. They had gone around the back of the park, bypassing the troop of policemen guarding the main entrance. Their entrance was secret, installed by the famous and mysterious Holy Mother, who did not want anyone to notice the comings and goings of her employees and herself. Hidden by the trees and surrounding vegetation, it was unnoticeable from the road, and one had to wander down a small dirt road to realize that it was another entrance to the back of the park. They weren't surprised that the police hadn't noticed him ; however, Smith didn't want to be fooled, and had taken preventive measures anyway. He parked in the shadow of a huge oak tree, and sent one of his men to check that they could get through the building's emergency door. It had direct access to the basements and floors, which would allow them to reach Elder's office without being noticed.

A movement to his left caught his attention, and he put his hand on the key still in the ignition, ready for anything. Smith relaxed when he saw his companion approaching. The latter accelerated when he saw the truck, but instead of getting back in, he approached Smith's window; the latter opened it hastily.

- What's up ? He asked with growing impatience.

- We can go. The police haven't had to secure the area yet. They are all grouped in front of the park and in front of the building, to prevent the tourists from entering in addition to organizing to leave.

- They shouldn't be too guarded. Smith commented, tapping his lower lip with his fingertip. They don't expect people like us to enter the building. It's our lucky day.

As the man outside nodded, Smith waved his hand to the back, allowing his men to exit, then climbed out of the truck in turn. He stuffed the car key into his pocket and took the lead as the group made its way through the vegetation to their escape door.


- Are you ready ?

Charlie crouched down, his men stationed behind him in the same position. At the corner of the wall was the impenetrable metal door, which the police had decorated with a dozen explosives. If this keeps the door shut, I'm out of a job, the sheriff mused as he ordered the dynamite to be detonated.

The two policemen returned to Charlie and the group at a brisk pace, just before the fuses touched the explosive sticks. A loud bang sounded in their ears as the ground shook beneath their feet. Charlie waited a few seconds before glancing toward the metal door ; through the thick gray smoke he could see the gaping hole that now replaced the door. He turned to his companions, thumbs up.

- Mission accomplished, guys !


Smith stopped dead in his tracks as the underground rumbling sounded in the entrance. His men behind him held their breath.

- What the hell is this ? Muttered one of them.

- My guess is the police are down there. Smith commented thoughtfully.

He resumed his walk towards the floors when the noise stopped.

- Come, he said over his shoulder. Let's take advantage of the fact that they're still downstairs and search the boss's office.


The sheriff raised the walkie-talkie to his mouth, giving orders to the two police officers left in the video surveillance room.

- Door open. Try to turn on the light for us. Over and out.

The object made a crackling sound and a few seconds later a male voice answered.

- Copy that. I'll send one of the employees to take care of it. Over and out.

- Okay. We'll wait. We'll wait.

Charlie walked cautiously toward the door, still thinking of a solution to his problem that he couldn't share with anyone. The blinding white light suddenly illuminated the death chamber as the crackling of the walkie-talkie resumed.

- Light on, Sheriff.

- Thanks, guys. I'll be in touch if I need anything. Over and out.

The officers crowded around him, awaiting his orders.

- Rogers, wait here with the employee. he ordered over his shoulder. The others, with me.

They advanced into the room. Charlie automatically held his breath ; his legs were wobbly from nervousness and a lump was forming in his throat.

The smell caught in his throat, a mixture of decomposing bodies and medical products. He coughed, and hastened to put a hand over his mouth and nose. Around him, a multitude of hospital beds filled the room. Each one was occupied by a corpse and was covered with a sheet that was once white. Some were not, but Charlie didn't want to look at them.

This woman was an abomination, he thought in disgust. This idea strengthened his resolve to burn this room. He had to protect Bella. She would never kill a human. She would never kill a human. He had to believe in her to the end.


A new chapter every two days from ten o'clock (French time)!

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