Panic attack

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The day before school

Y/n was very nervous, she went to school a long time ago, she forgot everything.

Y/n was having a panic attack but she didn't give others any kind of hint, she was shivering, and sweating, and she felt her heart will fail in a few seconds.

Rm noticed y/n's behavior and took a seat beside y/n.

Rm: kiddo, is something bothering you?
Y/n: N-no
Rm: I don't think so. Don't hide it, feel free with us.
Y/n: yes Oppa

Y/n was hesitating to talk about it, as it could be a silly matter for them.

Dinner time
Jin: so whose goona drop and pick up Y/n from the school?

Hobi: we can take turns or can tell Mr. Lin (Driver) when we are busy.

Jimin: yeah...

Everyone agreed

Suga: Y/n are you excited for tomorrow?
Y/n nodded 🙂

Y/n was panicking more... She was about to pick up her glass, but as her hands were shivering, her drink spilled. She got tensed, she stood up and rushed to the kitchen to grab some kitchen towels.

She was cleaning and apologizing. She was sweating more...

Jin: y/n leave it, no need to apologize, It was just an accident.

V made y/n sit in her chair and with a tissue, he was wiping away her sweat beads.

Rm: relax kiddo.

Y/n was heavily breathing

Jungkook: Hyung, she is getting a panic attack.

Yoongi: oh shoot *getting up from his seat*

V: she is continuously sweating 😥

Yoongi: kitten 🐱 look at me.

Y/n looked up

Yoongi: just calm down, don't be afraid, breath in and breath out.

Y/n did as she was told.

Rm: now tell us without any hesitation, we are family...

Y/n: I'm scared for tomorrow, new environment, new people, I'm going to school after so many years...

Jungkook hugged Y/n and patted her back.

Rm: tomorrow is gonna be awesome, just believe in yourself.

Jimin: We were scared too when it was our debut, still we get tense before our concert. Slowly you will overcome.

Jungkook: I panic a lot but I tell myself " jk do or die".

V: I know everyone trusts me and that trust gives me energy 🔋.

Jin: I was very worried about my dancing skills, but now I just do it.

Yoongi: see kitten, we all get nervous, even our leader, Kim Namjoon mess up.

Namjoon nodded

Yoongi: but we need to keep pushing ourselves to try new things. If we didn't overcome it, BTS wouldn't be BTS today. You will fail at some point but later that failure will help you rock 🤘🏻😎.

Jin: we are always by your side Y/n.

Jungkook: I'm sleeping over at y/n's today, bye hyungs.

Jimin: i was about to say that...aishhh this Jeon Jungkook.

They wished each other good night and went to bed 🛏️ .

( ◜‿◝ )♡ ♡(ӦvӦ。) (◕દ◕) (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Words: 500

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