001: What can I do for you?

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[Y/n pov]

It's almost Christmas and no one is here but me. They're all out with family today tomorrow, so far only two people have come in and both bought a shit ton of jewelry. Speaking of which, I should probably go restock the shelves. I grab the box with everything and go to the jewelry stands. As I start putting up some necklaces and earrings, someone walks in, but I don't look away from what I'm doing.

"Welcome in! If you need anything just let me know!" I hear their footsteps stop before responding. "O-oh, uhm, I will! Thank you." I hum a 'mhm' and a new song plays, and it's f/s. I smile as I put up new rings. A few minutes pass and I finish with the jewelry, suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I set down the box on top of the stand and turn to look at him. I'm met with a taller man who has brown curly hair covering his right eye, golden rimmed glasses, brown eyes, and a black beanie. 

He was holding a black short sleeved shirt and a long sleeved black and white stripped shirt. "What can I do for you?" He clears his throat. "I-I was wondering how much these are..?" I look at him for a moment and shrug. "You can have them for free if you'd like. My boss won't notice." His eyes kind of widen from surprise and I cross my arms. "Are you sure..? I don't want to get you in trouble." I simply smile "100% sure, Now your family might be missing you, you should go be with them!" He stays quiet and I pick back up the box. "I-I don't have any family with me for the holidays.. I-I was buying these for me."

I raise an eyebrow and look at the shirts, then back up to his eyes. "You might want a bigger size then, here hand them to me." He hands them to me and take them off the hangers and hold them to his chest. "Yea, these are definitely going to be small for you, these are only a large so they'll be really tight, I can check for different sizes if you want?"

I say, starting to put them back on the hangers and he stays quiet for a bit. "Well?" he snaps out of the reality he was in and responds "Oh! U-uh yea, I'd like that." "Alright, I'll be back in a minute."

[Wilbur pov]

He takes the shirts to the room labeled "STAFF ONLY" in pink. Once he's in, I grip onto my shirt and feel my heart beat quicken. My face starts burning and I shake my head, bringing my hand back to my side. I look around and notice a wall with a picture of him labeled "Employee of the month", even though it has his dead name instead of his actual name. He comes back, noticing the plaque and he scoffs.

"Oh god damnit. He did it again, that fucking prick!" He walks over to it, takes the picture down and goes over to the counter. I watch him grab out a sharpie and start writing on the picture. He looks up at me and notices that I look confused. "Sorry about my little outburst. My stupid boss keeps putting my deadname when he does employee of the month."

"O-oh." Y/n picks the picture up, starting to walk to the wall. "Yea. Sorry again." He puts the picture back on the wall and it now says "Y/N". He so handsome and his name is beautiful. He walks over to me with the shirts and I look at him. He holds the shirts to my chest again and my face starts getting hot again. "There we go! That looks much better. Here." 

He hands the shirts to me and I take them hesitantly. "Are you really sure I can just have these?" He smiles, leaning against the counter. "Yea, if anything my boss is gonna think I took them and he could give less of a shit if it's me." He rolls his eyes with the last bit, along with crossing his arms. "Alright, uhm, I-I guess I'd better be going then.." He looks up at me and I start heading for the door, but I hear him yell for me, so I stop. He walks over to me, taking his phone out. "Y-yea?"

He opens his phone up and smiles. "I finish work in less than a hour, and  I wanted to see if you could hang out. We both have no family's to be with today or tomorrow. So, how about it?" My face gets hotter and he hold his phone out to me. I simply nod take it from him, putting his number into my phone. "Also I never asked but what's your name? You obviously know mine cause I saw you looking at the picture."

I look up from the phone and smile. "I-Its Wilbur!" He smiles as well and he takes his phone back. "Well Wilbur, you said you better be going, so I'll see you when I see you mate!" I clear my throat and nod. "Yeah, S-See you later!" I walk out waving and go to my car, starting it up. I take my beanie off my head and hold it to my chest. 

"Fucking hell..! The way he said my name! I finally spoke to him! His voice, the way he dressed today, his h/l h/c swaying with every movement! I'm even hanging out him later!" I start driving away back to my house once I calm down, my smile not leaving my face. Once I'm back and open my door, I see how much of a mess it is but I could care less. I go to my room and lie down on my bed.


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