004: Cheating are we?

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We both leave the house and go to the car. Once we get in and settled, I start driving. After a few minutes of silence we end up at a red light so I look to Y/n to see him now asleep. I feel myself smile and my face heat up a bit. "You're so cute asleep.." The light turns green and I continue driving. After another 15 minutes of driving, I park in Amici's parking lot. I look at the time, seeing it's 5:23 so we're early. I put my hand on Y/n's shoulder and shake him a little, then he starts waking up.

"Y/n, we're here." He opens his eyes, looking out the window. "Hm..? Wha..?" He sits up and looks at me with tired eyes. "Where are we..?" I turn the car off and put the key in my pocket. "A-Amici's, you slept the whole way here." He nods. "Oh.." He looks back out the window and he sighs. "I-Is something wrong?" He turns to look at me, looking slightly annoyed. "I was hoping he'd be late. But of course, he's early." Hesitantly, I put my hand on his, making him look at me.

"W-Well I'm still here with y-you." He smiles and looks down at our hands. "Yea, come on, lets go." We both get out of the car and I lock it. I follow Y/n to his boss and he looks up once he hears our footsteps and smiles at him, not realizing I was here yet. "Ah! Y/n~ I was so worried! You didn't reply to any of my texts sweetheart~." Y/n rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Ever consider that I actually want to get sleep." He looks at me finally and his smile slowly drops. "Who's this."

"Just a mate." He looks back at Y/n, anger obviously creeping up behind his smile. "Sweetheart, it was meant to just be us." Y/n raises his arms in the air in defense. "Well, you never said that! Now did you?" Y/n smiles as he says this and my face feels a bit hot again. "Whatever. Let's just go in." We all walk in, getting a table and I sit down next to Y/n. He goes on his phone and Daniel just watches him. "So. When did you meet your 'mate' here?"

He glares at me as he says this and Y/n just looks up, glaring at him. Daniel looks back at Y/n with a disgustingly sweet smile. "Few hours ago." He looks back to his phone and Daniel leans back in the seat. "Lying and Cheating are we?" I look at Y/n and see his face turn a bit red probably from the question and not me. He sits himself up from slouching and puts his phone down. "Daniel. We have never, and will never get together. I came here for the food. I don't qualify this as a 'date' or even a hangout."

Daniel reaches his hand out and rests it on Y/n's, anger now rising to me. "Sweetheart~ We've been together for so long now~!" I finally get tired of staying quiet and speak up. "He said what he said. Stop trying to force him be in a relationship that you probably fucking dream about like the goddamn creep you are." He glares at me and Y/n just looks at me surprised. He looks back to Daniel and grabs his phone along with my hand. He gets up and so do I.

"Come on Will, we're leaving. This was a waste of time." "Sweethear-" He looks at Daniel and lets out his anger.  "I'VE TOLD YOU NUMEROUS TIMES NOT TO FUCKING CALL ME THAT!! IF YOU ACTUALLY GAVE TWO SHITS ABOUT ME AND NOT MY FUCKING BODY FOR YOUR SICK AND TWISTED BULLSHIT, YOU'D FUCKING STOP!!" We leave the restaurant with many stares at Daniel and us. We get to my car and Y/n lets go of my hand. "Open it please."

I open the car and goes in the passengers seat. I get in as well and see he has tears in his eyes. I reach for his hand and hold it. He looks at me and leans against my arm. "A-Are you okay?" He looks up at me but doesn't move. "Yea, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable though." He says, laughing dryly over his tears. "Y-You didn't make me uncomfortable." He sits up and looks out the window. We stay quiet for a moment, then he broke it. "We can go to my house if you want? I can make us dinner."

He turns to me and I nod. "S-Sure." He shows me his address, even though I knew it already. I drive to his house and once we're there, I park my car next to his. We get out and he pulls out his house key. We get to the door and he unlocks the door. We head in and he tells me that I could sit on the couch as he walks over to the kitchen. I instead follow him and sit at the bar top.

"So, what'd you like to eat?" I smile, and lean onto my arms. "Anything is fine.." He smiles at me, then turns to the fridge and opens it. "I'll make us some pizza." My eyes just follow his movements. "Alright." He pulls everything out and starts making the pizza. I continue to watch him, as he's putting the pepperoni on he looks up at me and I dart my eyes away, my face heats up more than it already was, earning a giggle from him.


"The pizza is done." He takes it out, puts it on the counter, and takes the oven mitts off. He grabs out a pizza cutter, beginning to cut it until he stopped for some reason. "I'm a dumbass. I need to grab the fucking plates." I laugh as he slaps his head and walks to the cupboard, taking out plates for us. He finishes cutting, then puts some slices on both plates. He gives me my plate and sits next to me. We finish the pizza in the matter of minutes, but once he notices there's none left, he gets up and starts cleaning up.

"D-do you want any help?" He pauses to look at me and smiles. "Sure, can you put the dishes in the sink for me?" I smile and nod. I grab the plates and set them in the sink. I roll my sleeves up and start cleaning the dishes so Y/n doesn't have to. He walks over to the trash, throwing away the empty bag of cheese, then walks over to me and takes a paper towel. He puts it under the water and I look at him, stopping what I'm doing, making him look up at me.

"Heh, we're a bit close." I say, stating the obvious. He clears his throat. "Y-yea, we are." He looks at me for a few more seconds before shaking his head and goes to cleaning the flour off the counter. I feel my face heat up a lot and I notice his ears turn a bit red. I go back to cleaning the dishes and once I'm done, I start drying them, and then put everything away. "I'm gonna go watch some tv." I turn to look and him, leaving a hand resting on the counter. 

"O-Okay." He starts walking out of the kitchen and stops when he's at the oven. He turns to me with smile. "You can join me if you want?" "S-Sure!"  We go over and sit down on the couch. He picks up the remote and turns on the telly. "What do you want to watch?" I think for a moment before deciding. "Can we watch 'Your Name'?" He hums before responding "Sure. And somehow I'm not surprised that you'd choose a romance." He puts the movie on and he leans on my shoulder.


I should be doing school right now but I could give less of a shit
Since I don't actually start working till 8:00 so meh.
Also yes. I'm still in school and it's utter bullshit.

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