002: Who is it?

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I watch as his car pulls away and the smile that was on my face slowly disappears. I was all alone again. It was nice seeing him though. Better than someone just wandering in then leave. I go back to sit behind the counter and just relax. Some time passes and "Worlds Smallest Violin" by AJR starts playing on the speakers. I shut my eyes and start singing.

"Somewhere in the universe, somewhere someone's got it worse. Wish that made it easier, wish I didn't feel the hurt. The world's smallest violin, really needs an audience so if I do not find somebody soon~.."  Suddenly, someone parks outside but I didn't realize this yet. "I'll blow up into smithereens, and spew my tiny symphony, all up and down a city street while tryna put my mind at ease! Like finishing this melody, this feels like a necessity. So this could be the death of me, or maybe just a better me. Now come in with the timpani's and take a shot of Hennessey! I know I'm not there mentally but you could be the remedy! So let me play my violin for you!

The bell for the door rings and someone suddenly speaks. "You're a really good singer." startled, I let out a yell and I fall back in the chair, my head hitting the ground. "Ouch." I sit up and rub the back of my head. "Fuck! Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" I open my eyes and see my boss. I get off the ground and look at him. "Sorry for slacking off. Even if no one is here" He smiles and takes my hand, kissing it. "It's quite alright sweetheart. Maybe you can repay me by having dinner with me tonight~?"

I remove my hand from his and shut my eyes. "Daniel. I believe I've told you this more than enough now. I'm not interested in you." I cross my eyes and look at him. "Well some people say enough is never truly enough." I stay quiet and he continues. "So~?" I groan and look at him. "Fine. But only because of the food." He smiles, holding his hands behind his back. "Alright! See you at 5:30 at Amici's?" I roll my eyes and lean against the counter. "Fine. Whatever. I need to close up." He starts walking to the door with the same disgusting smile. "Okay sweetheart~! See you later!"

He leaves and I take my tips. I make sure everything is where it needs to be, finally being able to close up. I leave the shop and get in my car, beginning drive to my house. Once I get there and take my shoes off, looking at the time as I do so seeing it's 2:30. I go ahead and grab a f/s (Favorite snack), now going to my couch. I go to YouTube and watch the TikTok shorts for true crime. After about 10 minutes, my phone starts ringing and I pick it up to see it's an unknown number. I pause the television curious and pick up.

"Hello? Who is this?" There's a slight pause before I get a answer. "I-It's Wilbur." My eyes widen and I hit my head. "Oh, shit! We were gonna hang out. Uhm, Where do ya wanna meet?" I can almost hear him smiling on the other side of the call. "Wh-where do you want to meet?" I let out a laugh. "I asked first!" I say, rolling my eyes. "A-alright then, at the park maybe? The one near your shop." I check the time and smile. "Sure, I'll meet ya there in 10 minutes."  "A-Alright! See you soon!"

I hang up and turn the tv off. I quickly get my shoes on and head to the park. I get there in about five minutes and go wait over on a bench. I shut my eyes, listening to the breeze and the faint sounds of cars passing by. After about 3 minutes, someone sits next to me. I open my eyes and see Wilbur looking at me.

"Hey Wilbur." He seems a bit shocked but it's quickly covered by a smile. "H-Hi!" He says happily. "What do you wanna do?" I sit up, don't want him thinking I'm a slob or whatever. "I was hoping w-we could just sit and talk for a bit..?" I shrug and smile, crossing my legs in front of me. "I'm cool with that." Some time passes by and we share some laughs as we get to know each other more.

"So, I've never seen you before yet I noticed you wear clothes we sell in the shop." He rubs the back of his head, his smile softening. "Yea I know, you never really looked up s-so I don't blame you." I let out a hum in response and I ask another question. "Do you play an instrument?" I lean forward a bit before he answers. "Y-Yea, I play guitar. You?" I shrug. "Nah." A comfortable silence falls over us and I look at the ground,  tapping my feet. Suddenly, Wilbur breaks it.

"You seemed really upset earlier with the fact your boss put your dead name." I look up at him and his smile is gone. "It's cause Daniel first of all, always forces me into taking a new picture every month for the dumb plaque then just writes the stupid name on it. Secondly he's just a dickhead who's overly obsessed with me."

"Oh.." I decide to change the subject. "So, have you written any songs?" He lets out a dry chuckle. "J-just a few." A smile creeps on my face and I sit up. "You have to let me listen sometime!" His eyes widen and he smiles slightly. "R-really.?" I nod my head a few times like a little kid. "Yea! I'd love to hear!" He clears his throat and rubs the side his neck. "I-if you want we can head to my house any I-I can play for you?"

I pump my fist in the air as I respond. "Hell yea!" His smile becomes wider. "O-Okay!" We get off the bench and he brings me to his car. He opens the door for me and I do a small curtsy as a joke before I get in. He gets into the drivers seat and begins driving. "Do you live nearby Will?" I ask, kicking my legs back and forth. "U-Uh, yea. Pretty c-close." "Do you normally stutter this much?" I accidentally blurt out. He stays quiet and I look at him, just looking at the road. 

I stop kicking my legs and I start feeling a bad feeling. "I didn't mean to sound rude.., it's cute." We reach a red light he looks and me. "O-Oh, Uh, thank you.." He starts smiling and I smile as well. I roll down the window, moving my hand out the window. I start humming "Your Sister Was Right", it's one of my favorite songs. I close my eyes and without realizing I start singing it.

"Every time I miss you I feel the way you hurt. And I don't deserve you, You deserve the world.. though it feels like we were built, from the same~.. dirt.. I hate to say it, but your sister was right. Don't trust British boys, with far to much free time. And I hate to say it but your sister was right. I'm nothing but a problem, leave you crying overnight. And I hate to say it but your sister was right. I can't focus on the future. Only my foresight. I hate to say it but your sister was right. I'm a wanker. Complete wanker.. a fucking. Waste of, time."

"Y-you know that song?" Wilbur asked. Confused, I turn my head to look at him. "Hm?" "You were s-singing out loud." My eyes widen and I cover my face with my hands,  my face get hot from embarrassment.  "I was! Fuck I'm sorry!" He looks over to me for a second. "I-Its alright, I-I just wasn't expecting you to sing one of my songs." I uncover my face and look at him.  "You wrote 'Your Sister Was Right?'"

"Y-Yea." I just stare at him for a second before looking out the windshield. "When you said you wrote songs I did not expect that to be one of them." He chuckles softly. "And I didn't expect you to be good at singing." I scoff and hit his arm playfully, making him laugh and apologize. We continue talking, getting to know each other, and Wilbur finally pull into his driveway.



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