012: Day at the park 2/??

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(Super quickly, I didn't realize my mistake before but I forgot that they are in California adventure and not the Disneyland park, so please ignore that.)

[Y/n pov]

"NO, THE FUCK IT ISN'T!!!" Tommy yells and I start laughing, so does Wilbur and Ranboo. "Fine, Fine. Maybe it isn't but I do know a ride that isn't crazy." Tommy looks at me like he's skeptical but eventually asks what ride. "The Ariel one." Tommy starts complaining that its a kids ride and we start bickering.

[Wilbur pov]

Y/n: "You are a fucking child!"

Tommy: "AM NOT!! I AM 18!!"


At this point, Bill, Ranboo and Tubbo start laughing as Y/n and Tommy start bickering. I can't help but laugh a bit as well and Y/n groans. "Fine, what about Web slingers?" "What the fuck is that." Y/n hits his head and starts walking off. I follow with him because I don't really trust him being alone. It's not him, its people I don't trust.

And quite frankly, there is a lot of creeps here. "Tommy is way more fucking annoying than I thought." I hum in agreement and we continue walking over to the avengers campus.  "So I'm assuming that you were going to go on Web slingers alone?" He stops walking and turn to me. "Well, yeah. But now at least there's someone actually I know to win against."

We continue walking and play arguing about who will win or not. Once we get to the ride, he pulls his phone out and walks over to one of the boxes on the side. "What are you doing." He turns to look at me and smiles. "I kinda knew this was going to happen already so I set tickets up about a hour ago for this. All I have to do is scan them and we can go on for the fast pass."

"Oh, alright." He scans the tickets and head to the line. Surprisingly its a short one and we walk to the end of it. "We'll get on this next one." He puts his phone away and leans against the wall. "So what kind of ride is this?" "It's a 3d one, kind of like Midway mania except there's nothing to use to shoot. It'll explain everything."

We end up getting in the room after about 4 minutes and soon the doors open. Y/n grabs my hand and pulls me over to the doors. "What're you doing?" "Making sure we get on quicker." The screen starts playing and explains what to do. The doors open and Y/n grabs my hand and we start walking. He grabs two sets of glasses and hands me one.

We get to the end of the line and he leans against the wall. "How come you kept dragging me?" He shrugs and looks to the cars. "People are insensitive assholes. Split people up just so they can get on first." I hum and we start moving with the line. Eventually, we get to the front and Y/n just holds up two fingers and we head to our line.

We get seated and I get in first. Two other people get in and we put our glasses on. Y/n turns to me and smile. "Lowest score pays for snacks?" I look at them and smile. "Deal."

After the ride..

"You definitely cheated." Y/n turns to me and squints. "How the actual fuck would I have cheated? Name how I could have cheated." I start laughing and soon enough they do too. We walk out and head to the churros stand. "What can I say, Spider guns!" They start making 'Pew' noises and I order a churro for us.

We walk over to a seating area and share the churro. A few minutes pass by and a girl walks up to us, or Y/n.. to be specific. "Hey, I saw you from the line and I just thought you looked really nice. Could I get your number?" Before I can say anything, he puts a finger up telling me to shush.

"Listen, I would.. But I'm kind of engaged to this lovely man right now." "Well, I can be better than him.. Can I at least get you a drink?" I can tell that he's starting to get irritated and he starts messing with one of his other rings. "You know what, how about you get two. One for me and one for you?" She smiles and walks off.

He turns to me and sighs. "Why are you letting her get you a drink? And why the fuck are you letting her get one as well?" He takes the ring he was messing with off and clicks a button on it. "I'm fuckin' killing her what do you think?" "Oh." He closes the cap and she starts walking back. "Hey~"

Y/n turns to her and takes his drink. "Now, I have something that I add to drinks to make them just a bit better. May I?" She shrugs and gives the drink to him. He turns back to me and pulls out a bottle. He presses the button again and pours some in both the drinks, then hands one to the girl. "After the drink, Me and my love here have to go."

"Awe, what a shame." They clink the glasses together and both take a drink. I quickly sit up and grab his wrist and we start walking away. Once we get far enough away from people, I pull Y/n to the side. "Why did you drink it!! You put the poison in yours as well!" He laughs a bit and looks away for a second. "Don't worry. I built up a poison tolerance. It won't kill me." 

He walks closer to me and pulls the collar of my shirt. "Did you really think I'd kill myself when I have you?" My face starts burning and he kisses me.  He pulls away after a second and lets go of my shirt. "Now, the others might get worried." He starts walking away and I just watch him walk away.

"Well come on!" I snap out of my trance and run to catch up with him. 

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