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My Mimi Cry

Intently searching for the blue notes I've heard—
but I only saw light in the cold cave,
Unfelt inside, perhaps I saw a girl,
Wearing black mask and long sleeves and thick pants.

Many ignore her, maybe she's too unrecognizable or weird then,
Few sabotage her feelings,
Few shot her dire words,
But she's not that ugly.

Hidden and mysterious,
By a lalala, by a tatata,
They thought she's thoughtless,
They never ever comprehend her.


Vibrations of those empty throats,
She's real empty and me too,
I am her before,
She's good at imitating one's voice.

Asking her name,
telling it to me,
I am Mimi,
I remember my past self.

I copied one's image before—
but someone copy me.

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