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K(now), humans?

Flee unto wild roses and eat through its thorn.

Aye, it sore, it hurts!

In the ageless field...

Each wondrous thing looks pale,

Ordinary greeneries are chaotically seen,

Bees, worms, caterpillars, butterflies and all flying living things cannot.

Search where's the stability and glee was placed,

Small bungle hanging vines seems to be damaged deforestation still goes on and more still growing plants are in danger.

Huge flood cracked mountains, and thinning of the ozone layer will soon vanish its finest.

All of us will be scared of what's the effect of this.

The inhuman activity, those wronged habitual doings, and he selfishness when it comes to every man moves,

What will happen to the poor oaks, that areareet in the market?

What will happen to all of the natural gifts?

It's the greatest and noblest blessing that we received yet many, yet somebody.

Are still in their wealthy state but they are not rich in kindness and humanity.

Who are the killers, destroyers?

Who are the abusive people and the man who never cared about surroundings,

While some unnoticed creature is dying,
Some are still surviving but after a day or week, they will...

Soon to leave this world...

And glad they will, this cruelty in this world, it'll never stop.

But when you, it's good.
At least there are two of us,

Who still love and treat nature as our friend.

When the day came, and all of us are busy, exhausted when the rain fell through the ground and there was no shelter built strong

When the moon goes much afar, I hope people will wonder...

Why the world is so unfair rhetorically asks themselves.

Why me, why we?

Who's the legit meditator?

So our world will be a better place again.

Who will obscure the pain in every corner of their place?

Who will defend nature against the corruption of wealthy guys?

Who will save mother earth?

Save yourself, save it. The words aren't dead.

Before it lift and turned, another world to live in

Let this be scares us. Or scares nature?

💚: ♡♡~~say says,

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