Their Story

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As they all turned into the curator's office, they were greeted with the sight of the curator lounging in a red armchair with the Madjai around him. They were in an intense conversation as the gang walked in on them. Jonathan was the first to pipe up in alarm. "You! Why I had a feeling about you old boy-" he was cut off by the sound of rick and the Americans raising their guns at the curator, Jonathan swallowed hard and stood off to the side, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. Ardeth kept a harsh gaze on his face while the curator merely nodded at the group with a calm composition. "Ladies...Gentlemen" he said to address them. "You've been with them the whole time? That makes sense..given that you burnt the map so carelessly" Rosie said and the Curator nodded. "Yes yes, I have 'been with them as you said. But do you really wish to know more or are you going to shoot us all?" He asked and looked to the other men that had their guns up. Everyone was tense. Rick seemed to be the voice of reason as he slowly put his gun down. Triggering everyone to put their's away as well even though Henderson looked hesitant about it. Rick was done with the niceties, "I saw my fist vanish into some guy's head" he stated firmly to the curator and Ardeth as he slid his gun into its holster. "I'm willing to go on a little faith here" he added. The curator looked at the young man before him and sighed leaning back. "You will not believe it," he said "try us..seriously, from what we have seen, I think we can believe it," Rosie said and crossed her arms. Taking a seat on the long couch across the room. The curator then started his story.

"We are a part of an ancient secret society, The Cult of the Mumia, and we have a sacred mission, passed down through thirty-nine generations. For over four thousand years we have guarded The City of The Dead. We are sworn at manhood to, do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world" His words sat heavily on Rosie's shoulders as they did for the others. Ardeth spoke up and Rosie's eyes trailed over to him. The firelight flickered against the man's tan skin. "And because of you, we have failed," he said sounding rather miffed. Evelyn scoffed, "And you think this justifies killing innocent people?" she snapped at the two men. The curator looked at his employee and hummed "Let's see to stop the creature?" He and ardeth joined in unison "Yes!" Evy sighed and rubbed her forehead.

Rick stepped up to them a bit to get their attention "Okay, let's cut to the chase. He's afraid of cats, what's that about?" he asked the two. "According to the ancients-" Rosie couldn't stop herself from cutting him off, her voice was flat and she sounded bored. "They are the guardians at the gates of the underworld, but mostly they are also related to the goddess Bastet. Our men used to shave their eyebrows in the morning if the family cat died-" she snapped out of it once she noticed everyone was staring at her. "What?" Rick shook his head. "Our? You speak as if you were there in ancient Egypt" Rick said and the curator rose his eyebrow in interest. "Uhm..well i meant they.." Rosie said, trying to cover up what she said. She looked away at one of the ordinate vases that were placed on a shelf. "As I was trying to say... Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, then he will fear nothing" he said gravely at the end. Daniels looked like he was going to lose it. "Right right...and you know how he gets regenerated? By killing everybody who opened that chest!! And sucking us dry! That's how!!" he said nervously.

"Yes, the creature must first try and regenerate, and then he will attempt the resurrect the one he has loved for more than four thousand years," The curator said and that part made Rosie flinch. The woman... It made her heartburn in anger just thinking about it, but she didn't understand it, this woman has been dead for thousands of years and she is acting like she is still alive and ready to steal everything from her. The dream she had played back in her mind and she sighed, rubbing her eyes and trying to get a hold of herself. These emotions didn't even feel like they belonged to her. "Satiah.." Rosie snapped her head up at Evy who said that name the creature had been calling her. The curator and Ardeth looked at her shocked. "How do you know that name.." Ardeth asked her looking thunderstruck. "Well, It has been calling her that since it first saw her, Rosie I mean," Evy explained to the two and they turned to look at Rosie. "I was going to say Anak-sun- Amun... She was his one greatest love while he was alive, but now given this information, it seems he had time to think over past events..." Ardeth said and then looked at the curator who looked too shocked about this. "Who was she?" Rosie asked and sat up at full attention. "She was his wife...She was the head priestess of the temple of Khonsu. The God of the Moon and Time." The Curator explained. Rosie drank in every word he said, wanting to know more. "So why is he calling for Satiah when he is the one who left her for this Anak-sun-Amun?" Rosie asked and they both looked at her curiously. "We never mentioned her how did you know that she was the other woman?" Ardeth asked her and Rosie stuttered and scrambled for an answer. "I-I um.." Evy and Jonathan looked even more concerned. "Rosie? What's going on" Jon asked and sat next to her. "I have been having dreams-"

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