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"Hyung.." Taehyun spoke, looking to his elder.
He was laid out on the couch, blood dripping down the edge of his mouth as he pushed the body away, that had already gone cold and stiff.

"What do you want, Tae?" Yeonjun asked frowning, as he looked over the couch.

Taehyun's eyes darted around the room, where piles upon piles of girls bodies lay, drained of blood as Yeonjun wiped his mouth with his sleeve, staining it red.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself, hyung." Taehyun said, stepping closer, keeping his eyes on Yeonjun's hands.

"Why not? I'm sad, and this is what I do when I'm sad. Throw a party, have a drink, and end said party when I get bored." Yeonjun grumbled.

"It's not healthy." Taehyun said, gritting his teeth.
He had counted quickly. Eight girls, all dead.

"What about being a vampire is healthy, Taehyun?" Yeonjun scowled, standing up as he rolled his sleeves.
Taehyun stood back.

"Look, I'm just worried about you." Taehyun said, holding his hands up as he stepped back, his back hitting the wall as he started to panic.

His hands trailed to Yeonjun's hand, where he was holding a dagger, soaked in ash.

"Yeonjun." Taehyun warned.

"Don't be worried about me, Taehyun. It's not healthy." Yeonjun mimicked, stabbing the dagger into Taehyun's chest.

His body started to fade grey as he fell still, as Yeonjun glared down.

His gaze lessened, as he started to cry, crumpling to his knees.

"Fuck what is wrong with me." Yeonjun sobbed, grabbing at the hilt of the dagger as he pulled it back out, pulling Taehyun up into his arms.

After hours, Taehyun's skin gained colour, as he took in a sharp breath, moving away from Yeonjun.

He was just sitting against the wall, tear stains running down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Taehyun. I'm so, so sorry." Yeonjun sobbed, flipping the dagger over in his hands.
"Why can't we just die.. why can't I just die.. then I can be with her."

"Hyung, Nari is gone." Taehyun said, stepping closer to go comfort his friend.
Yeonjun let him sit beside him.

"No she isn't. She's somewhere, maybe up there." He whispered, pointing up.

"Hyung, I know you don't believe in that. She wouldn't want this for you." Taehyun said, his face covered in the concern he felt for his friend.

"It's been ten years. Can't you just move on? She would want you to." Taehyun asked.

Yeonjun threw the blade, causing it to skid against the floor, and hit the wall with a thud.

"Ten years is like the blink of an eye for me, Taehyun. I have been around for centuries upon centuries, and no one, I mean no one was like her. I can't just move on and act like nothing happened!" Yeonjun yelled, as Taehyun flinched away.

Yeonjun stood up. "I'll get rid of the bodies, just leave me alone."

Taehyun didn't want to leave his elder, but he was terrified of him, so he left, looking down at his blood stained shirt.

"That is the third time he's killed me this week." Taehyun grumbled, leaving Yeonjun to himself, in a room full of bodies.

Yeonjun looked past them all, blinking in surprise as one girls chest rose and fell.

He grabbed her, eyeing her up and down before he bit at his wrist, holding it above her mouth.

"Drink it and you'll live. Don't make me regret this." Yeonjun whispered, as the girl nodded, drinking happily as he pulled away.

He pushed he back against the couch, as he stared into her eyes.

"You're going to dance with me. Then, you'll forget you were ever here and who I am. Got it?" He whispered, as she nodded, forced to comply under his spell.

He smiled happily, lifting her up as he shifted over to the radio, turning up the music.

He then spun around with the girl, humming happily to the music.

"Ah Yeonjun stop! I'm going to throw up!" The girl laughed, as Yeonjun glanced at her with a smile.

"Nari, you're ridiculous."

"I'm being serious, Yeonjun I'm going to puke so slow it down!" Nari whined, as he stopped, lowering her down, placing his lips onto her neck.

"Who's Nari?" The girl broke his reverie, as he frowned, pushing the girl away.

"Someone way better than you." Yeonjun scowled, rubbing his eyes, as he glanced at the bottles of whiskey.

"Human blood high and being drunk is not a good mix when you're mourning, clearly." He whispered, sighing as he sat back down.

The girl clung onto him.

"What's wrong?"

"Shut up." Yeonjun grumbled, knowing he couldn't kill her, now that she had his blood in her system.

Well, he could, but then he would have to wait for her to wake up, turn, then kill her.
That was too much effort.

"Did you lose her? Nari?" The girl asked, as Yeonjun glanced.
Her eyes were wide with wonder, like Nari's were.

Yeonjun shook his head. No one was like her.

"I didn't just lose her. I lost myself as well."

Yeonjun glanced over at the wall, where a photo of him and her lay, starting to be coaxed in dust.

"It all started when I went back to high school in Seoul. A music school, for talented kids. I met her in third period - dance. And we were partners." Yeonjun sighed, closing his eyes as he lay his head back, playing the memories over, as he felt the girl get closer to him.

He knew it was just because she was compelled, but he didn't mind.
He would imagine it was Nari for just a minute.

He also felt it was time he told his story to someone, in a way he hadn't even told Taehyun, or Beomgyu, or Soobin or Kai.

They wouldn't understand.

But he felt this girl, this random girl he pulled from the street would.

"Her name was Nari Lee. And to be honest, I hated her at the beginning."

Dance for me • YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now