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When she got to Soobin's address, she was amazed by the huge house in front of her - it was beautifully modern, but also felt like something out of a movie set in the past.

She knocked, and in an instant, Soobin opened the door.

"Nari! I'm glad you could make it! Come on in," he said, stepping aside as she wandered in.

She dropped her backpack, admiring the house from the inside too.

"Wow. Your house is lovely." Nari said, looking around in awe.

Soobin chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, it is. But what's about to happen isn't, so please don't scream." He compelled, as Nari tilted her head.

"What? I don't understand?" She said, as Soobin brought her into the house slowly, and towards the living room.

"I've already told you all this before, but you forgot, and you will forget. We, are vampires. Hyunjin, you met earlier, is a wolf. A wolf bite is fatal to us, and Hyunjin bit Yeonjun. You're his only cure, Nari. Has Hyunjin kissed you?" Soobin started, turning to face her, blocking Yeonjun from her view.

"Yeah, on the cheek, and it felt electric. Why?" Nari asked, as Soobin smiled slightly.

"Good. I promise we'll look after you after all this, Nari. You won't remember a thing." Soobin whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder as he leaned in close.

"You're going to walk up to Yeonjun, and offer him your throat. Don't struggle, and let him drink every last drop." Soobin compelled, as Nari nodded, walking around the couch.

She gasped as her eyes fell onto Yeonjun.
He was sweating, head lay back, his body covered in sores and burns, his veins black.

"Yeonjun.." She whispered, sitting beside him.

He stirred, staring at her.
"Nari, I'm so sorry." He whispered, as she tucked her hair back, Yeonjun carefully wrapped one of his arms around her body, the other holding her hair back, as he sunk his teeth in.

She gasped in shock, but stayed quiet, as she felt her head go light, stars speckling her vision, and the room spinning.
She kept ahold of Yeonjun's hand. He needed to drink her to survive, right?

Soobin was watching as the sores on Yeonjun's body began to fade, no scars left behind, as he continued to drink.
He waited until everything was gone up to the bite on his hand, but Yeonjun kept drinking.

Nari couldn't hold her head up anymore, dropping it down as she fell in and out of consciousness, not saying anything.

Soobin pulled Yeonjun away, Beomgyu wandering over to Nari, biting at his own wrist, and forcing his blood down her throat.

The colour slowly came back to her face, as Yeonjun gasped, wiping his mouth, coming out of the reverie he was in.

He stared wide-eyed at Nari, who still had her eyes closed, and was still drinking from Beomgyu.

"Shit. Is she-" he started, but Soobin placed a hand on his friends shoulder.

"She's going to be okay, Yeonjun. Now I want you to talk to me." Soobin said, sighing as he watched Beomgyu scoop the girl up into his arms, and take her out of the living room, so that the scent of her blood would dissipate as well.

"About what, Soob? In all fairness, I could've just died. I felt like it. I was hallucinating, and honestly, it felt like a drug trip gone wrong." Yeonjun grumbled, looking at the front and back of his hand.

"You drunk from Mina, didn't you? You're the only one of the five of us who's still feeding from people, so it has to be you. She told me it was you, past the compulsion. She kept yelling that I did it before that." Soobin asked, narrowing his eyes.

Yeonjun shook his head. "Soobin, I'm going to be honest here. Nari is the only girl I've drunk from in our school, and I'm sure you can understand my reasoning why - also, now she's been marked, it's quite handy that we're friends. But this Mina girl? I've never met her, Soob, so why would I bother? There's no fun otherwise. It wasn't me. You didn't compel past her far enough."

Soobin frowned. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe you."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, before ripping the necklace from his neck, the burn mark that had basically scarred into his skin beginning to heal over.

"There. The blackthorn is gone. Now compel me. We all have the ability to do it to one another, hence why we burn ourselves. So go on, compel the truth out of me." Yeonjun scowled, as Soobin sat on the coffee table in front of him.

"I hate doing that to you, Jun." Soobin said, locking eyes with him.
"Did you drink from Mina?"

"No, I didn't." Yeonjun replied almost robotically, before blinking, and snapping back out of it.

Soobin seethed, but to himself.
Then he flipped the coffee table, the vase smashing and leaving the wilting flowers spread on the glass-covered carpet.

"How? I don't get it? She told me it was you, there was no way someone could compel it out of her twice - unless..." Soobin grumbled, sitting on the floor, something clicking.

"Yeonjun, I'm sorry, for accusing you. I'm going out now, to get us more blood bags. Go attend to your girlfriend, and make sure she won't remember a thing, got it?" Soobin said, standing up.

"She's not my girlfriend, Soob, oh my god." Yeonjun frowned, feigning disgust as Soobin just laughed.

"Yeah, sure, okay. I'll see you later." With that Soobin vampire-sped away, leaving Yeonjun by himself.

He ignored the mess, and followed Nari's scent.

He found her unconscious in the spare room, Beomgyu holding onto her hand, talking quietly.

Yeonjun knocked, even though he knew Beomgyu could hear his footsteps.

"You can go now." Yeonjun said, as Beomgyu let go, turned around, stood up, and walked right past Yeonjun, without saying anything.

"Weirdo." Yeonjun scoffed, going to sit beside Nari.

She was still pale, but not as bad as when he was pulled off of her.

He didn't like the fact that dog had marked her, but he couldn't remove it. That's not how it worked.

But she would be drawn to him, and he didn't want that to happen.

Nari was his anyway, right?

"Now, you see, wolves are quite problematic. They're selfish, but usually to help their pack, which is noble, but a pain in the ass." Yeonjun whined, standing up as he brought the girl with him.

"Did you lose her to them? Nari?" The girl asked, as Yeonjun shook his head, smiling.

"No. Nari didn't believe in the unknown, you see, so she avoided that pull. Except, it made her sick - so after she took care of me, I had to travel to the ends of the world to heal her." Yeonjun sighed, laying down on the lush carpet, the girl laying with him.

"Really? Tell me about it." She said, as Yeonjun smiled.

"Yeah, okay."

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