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When school rolled around on Monday, Nari was nervous to see him.
Well, his face had been dominating her dreams the last few nights, with him kissing and being in some form of romantic relationship with her, and that scared her.

Was it meant to be some form of vision? Some sort of window into the future?

She had no idea, but just thinking about Choi Yeonjun made her heart thump and her nerves light on fire.

She stepped into dance, and took a look around.
He was seated up near the front, talking with his new-found friend Jungkook, as she wandered over, clearing her throat.
Yeonjun turned, grunting slightly. "Yes, Nari?"

"I was thinking we could go to the dance practice rooms today.. so we can start working on the dance together? This is a team project, so.." Nari said, gulping down the bile that rose in her throat as she spoke.

Yeonjun smiled. "I would love to. Bye JK." He said, waving his friend away as he stood up, walking past Nari.

She followed, huffing slightly as he ignored her, and kept pressing forward, until he found a room, fiddling with the doorknob.

"I was going to tell you we needed to ask the teacher for a key." Nari interrupted, but she watched as Yeonjun broke the door knob off, pushing the door open.
"No need." He said, stepping aside for her to enter in front of him.

She did, looking around the practice room.
A thin layer of dust coated the speakers surfaces, and along the seats around the edge of the classroom.

"Yeonjun, I think this is one of the rooms that's like, planning to be renovated? Hence why it was locked?" Nari commented, turning to head back out the door.

"We'll get in trouble, so we should go."

Yeonjun grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving. "We'll be fine." He assured, turning her to face him. "We're not going to get caught."

Nari thought it over, before sighing. "You're right."
Yeonjun grinned. "Of course I am. Now, show me the dance."

Nari cocked her head. "Excuse me? You're going to dance with me."
Yeonjun rolled his eyes.
"No Nari, you're going to dance for me, and when you're done you're going to give me your wrist." He whispered, as she robotically played the music.

Yeonjun was analysing the way she moved, almost entranced, which was why when she appeared in front of him, her wrist in front of his face suddenly moments later he flinched a bit.
He could hear the blood rushing in her veins, her heart pounding.

"Don't scream."

He bit at her wrist, drinking happily,

That was interrupted as someone came rushing in.
"Hyung I thought I could hear you- the fuck?" A voice spoke.
Yeonjun pulled away as Nari stumbled back.
The boy looked to her bleeding wrist, his fangs protruding slightly from his mouth as he blocked his nose.

"Soobin is going to kill you." He commented.
Yeonjun smiled weakly.
"Huening Kai, you're not going to tell him."

"I have to."
"Why? So he knows when to lock me up again? Nari here gave me her wrist. Tell him." Yeonjun smiled, pulling her hand back to his mouth.

"I let him." She said robotically, as Kai grimaced.
"I can't be here. You know how I am." He whined, pushing his way out the door.

Yeonjun pulled Nari into his lap, as he rubbed her wrist gently, before biting at his own, placing his bleeding wrist in her mouth.

"Drink up so you heal."

She nodded, and then reality kicked in for her.
Nari jumped back, away from Yeonjun.
He could hear how fast her heart was beating, the blood rushing in her body intoxicating him.
"You- stay away." She exclaimed, but her voice could barely rise higher than a semi-shout.
He forced her to not scream.

Yeonjun stood up calmly.

"I can make this all go away, Nari, then we can keep dancing. I made the pain go away, and I can make your bad dreams stay away. But all I ask is a drink from you every now and again, hm?" He smiled, flashing his smile.
This usually would have been attractive, but her blood was coated all around his lips.

Nari ran for the door, but in a second he was in front of her.
Yeonjun sighed. "They always run. Humans are so irritating."

He grabbed her chin, his pupils dilating.
"You will forget I bit you, and that I am a monster. We will keep dancing now."

Nari blinked, stepping around him.

"Come on, we've got a dance to practice!" She said, half smiling.
Yeonjun kept his mouth in a thin line, before smiling lightly too.

"Sure, alright. I'll dance with you this time, how about that?"

Nari scowled. "Should be expected, you know."

Yeonjun shrugged. "Expect nothing and the world will be full of surprises, Nari."

When Yeonjun walked through the door that afternoon, he had a stake in hand.
As expected, Soobin jumped him, as Yeonjun prepared he stabbed the wooden stick into his friend's side, causing him to stumble away.

"Huening Kai snitched, huh?" Yeonjun scoffed.
Soobin scowled. "What did I tell you about a clean slate? Starting over? No human blood bags or compulsion, or do I need to lock you up for another fifty years until you learn?"

"No need to threaten me. She offered it to me herself."

Soobin just shook his head in disbelief.
"You are disgusting. When will you ever learn that they are not toys to play with?"

Yeonjun grinned. "Oh Soobin, that's all humans are. Play things in a vampire's world, and you know that. The sooner you accept it, the better."

Dance for me • YeonjunOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant