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Yeonjun was still fast asleep in the morning when Nari was awake, as she quietly got ready for work, not wanting to disturb him.
She kept thinking about last night - what was it about Yeonjun that made her think about him so much, anyways?

They kissed, danced, ate together, but then he randomly walked out during the night?
But he came back, she noted - it's not like he left completely.

She felt movement behind her in the kitchen, as she quickly spun around.
There Yeonjun was, sitting at the dining table.

"Good morning to you as well." Yeonjun smiled, noticing her terrified expression.
"Did you forget I was here on the couch?"

Nari shook her head. "No, it's just you were fast asleep a second ago."

Yeonjun shrugged. "I'm a light sleeper. I heard you so I got up. You were staring at the coffee machine for a few minutes, though. Everything okay?"

Nari just hummed a reply 'yes', as she looked at the time.
"Ah crap, I'm running late. You're free to leave whenever, just pull the door closed behind you." Nari said, tying her hair up quickly as she rushed to the door, pulling her shoes on.
Good thing she had already gotten dressed earlier.

Yeonjun just followed her calmly.

"No, I'll come with you. I probably need to get a job anyways."

Nari just got right to work, whilst Yeonjun spoke quietly to the boss, both her and him smiling brightly.

"So, who's the hottie who came here with you?" Nari's coworker, Tzuyu asked, as Nari just sighed.

"He's my dance partner - forced to be, dance partners. I suppose he's kind of cute, but he's an asshole. Shoot your shot if you want, but I think he plans to work here." Nari explained, turning to the till as customers came rolling through.

"Do you have a resume? Look, you seem like a lovely guy but I need to check it over with the head, and she's not in." The manager said, as the smile on Yeonjun's lips twitched.

"Just let me have a trial, okay? I've had years of cooking experience - I know I'm young, but my dad was a chef. He taught me a lot." Yeonjun said slowly, looking her right in the eye.

He didn't really know why he was desperate. Maybe it was so he could be with Nari after the dance project was over, or maybe it was to help an incurable boredom.

But either way, why was getting a job so difficult?

"Only because I like you. Come on, follow me." The manager said, as she brought him into the kitchen.

Nari watched him wander in, slightly shocked.

"Our manager whines about not having workers yet never hires anyone - and then he just goes and gets a job just like that."

"It's because he's attractive. You know she's a stickler for having pretty workers." Tzuyu chuckled back, as Nari just sighed, and went back to work.

Yeonjun was there for less time than her, and waved his goodbyes as he left.

When he got home, Soobin grabbed him and pushed him against the wall again.

"Where have you been? I can smell blood on you - was it Nari?" Soobin asked, his worry automatically dropping to anger.

"Let go of me and I'll talk." Yeonjun grumbled, as Soobin took a step back.
Yeonjun brushed himself off.

"Well last night, yes I was with Nari. But we were doing schoolwork, you can even compel that out of her. Then this morning I got myself a job. Why? I didn't hurt her, Soobin." Yeonjun explained, staring his leader right in the eyes.

"Who did you drink then?"

"Just some random lady, but she'll be fine, it wasn't much." Yeonjun shrugged his jacket off, before going to wander upstairs.

"I'm giving you one more chance, Yeonjun. Stay away from Nari privately. If you see her again, I'll compel her to never talk to you again." Soobin seethed, before disappearing in a flash.

Yeonjun frowned, going up to have a shower.

What was Soobin's problem, anyways?

On Monday, Nari didn't have dance.
She saw Yeonjun around, but he was always with Soobin.
She felt like he didn't like her very much.

It was the way he looked at her. Cold, menacing, and fairly it scared her.

When she got to English, as Beomgyu was waving happily at her as she took a seat.

"How was your weekend? Personally, mine was boring." He asked, flipping his workbook open.

"Ah, so and so. I had to work. Friday night was interesting though. I worked on my dance project with Yeonjun and..." I felt myself trail off.

What else happened?

I know we kissed, but it felt like I was missing something.

"And?" Beomgyu asked, as I shook my head.

"Never mind, I lost it."

Beomgyu tilted me towards him.

"What else happened that night, Nari? What did he make you forget?" He whispered quietly, loud enough for me to catch.

"We kissed, and then he told me we couldn't be together. He had veins around his eyes and told me he was a monster." I whispered back, as he nodded.

"Good. You can forget it again."

I blinked, and he was sitting away from me.

"Why are you so interested about that night, anyways?" I asked.

Beomgyu shrugged. "Yeonjun's my friend, or was, I'm not really sure anymore. He's changed a lot. I just.. I don't want him to treat you badly."

"But anyways, shifting the conversation. Do you believe in vampires?"

"I suppose, but are we talking Dracula looking or like Edward?"

"Hm, I'd tilt towards the attractive side of that spectrum." Beomgyu chuckled.

"What, so you reckon they're hiding in this school?" I asked, shaking my head. He was being ridiculous.

"I don't reckon, I know. Look." He said, pointing towards a girl in my class.

She pushed her hair back, and there it was.

Two small bite marks on the nape of her neck.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, as I turned back to Beomgyu.

"Spit it out then. What do you know?"

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