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Nari was heading for the door, or what she assumed was the front door, but she was stopped by Beomgyu.

"Nari? You're leaving already? Were you going to come say goodbye?" Beomgyu said, walking up to Nari, placing a hand on her arm.

She drew back immediately, as Beomgyu tilted his head, before his face drained of colour.

"No, sorry, I didn't know if anyone else was awake." Nari said, trying to move around him.

"Well, I'm a light sleeper. Come on, stay a little." Beomgyu asked, as Nari shook her head.
"I'm sorry, my sisters waiting for me." She said, trying to push past him, but Beomgyu held onto her wrist, as Nari grabbed his hand, looking at him desperately.

"Please, let me go." She asked silently, as Beomgyu let go, and let his hand hang by his side.

Nari thanked him, and then walked out the door.

When she got home, she was sweating, and she felt like she was about to throw up.

But looking up at the man by her door, the feeling vanished.

"Nari! I got your message, but you weren't home. Where were you?" Hyunjin asked, bounding down the steps as Nari stopped in front of him.

Something was wrong, she realised, as she furrowed her brow, and stepped away from him, and felt the wave of sickness wash over her.

"Nari?" Hyunjin asked tentatively, a pout forming on his lips.

She shook her head. "I was just with a friend. I- I don't know why I messaged you. Sorry to wake you up on our day off."

Hyunjin tilted his head. "No, it's okay. Are you sure you don't need me? You're not looking too hot."

Nari nodded, pushing past him to open her front door.
"Yeah, I'm sure."

Hyunjin came up behind her anyways, wrapping his arms around her neck, hugging her from behind.

Nari instantly felt better, practically melting into him.

"Mm, it's cold out here, let's go inside." Hyunjin whispered, sending a chill down Nari's spine, but she didn't want to let go of him.
But at the same time, she wanted to run away from him.

Ever since he kissed her last night, things had been weird. Nari had noticed that.

First, she ended up at Soobin's house, and she spent time with Yeonjun, and everything was fine.
Next thing she knew, she woke up feeling sick, and instinctively messaged this guy she barely knew, and in his presence, she felt alright again.

Hyunjin pulled her down onto her own couch, practically forcing her to nuzzle her head into his neck.

"Just stay there a minute, I'll make you feel all better." Hyunjin whispered, as Nari suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her.

She couldn't keep her eyes open, and then she fell asleep.

Hyunjin pushed her off gently, standing up.
He was grinning ear-to-ear. His plan worked. She was bonded to him.

But it was odd, she was resisting him. He didn't understand why, it wasn't possible to resist the pull.

She was meant to be attracted to him like a magnet, but instead, she was pushing herself away.

Hyunjin decided to take this time to explore the house, and as he found Nari's bedroom, he was suddenly on the floor.

Yeonjun had pinned him down.

"Oh, you're looking way better. Still dead, but better." Hyunjin laughed, as Yeonjun moved his hand, so that it was squeezing Hyunjin's neck.

"What have you done to Nari? I knew something was up when she pushed me away today. My touch burnt her, so what have you done." Yeonjun seethed, as Hyunjin laughed breathlessly, his throat crushed.

"She's bonded to me, you idiot. You know what that entails. You've lost her." Hyunjin laughed, as Yeonjun's grip faltered, allowing for Hyunjin to push him off, and stand back on his own two feet.

"She's no longer just going to open her veins for you, so if I bite you, it's over, leech." Hyunjin said, as Yeonjun scowled.

"But if I kill you, problem solved, hm?" Yeonjun said, grabbing at Nari's coat rack, snapping it so he had a weapon.

He was in front of Hyunjin in a second, before Hyunjin could even blink.

Panic flashed in his eyes, as Yeonjun impaled him, Hyunjin spluttered, knocking into the wall.

But instead of crying, or begging, he just laughed.

"You're such an idiot. Firstly, I'm stronger than a human, and secondly, my life is connected to Nari now." Hyunjin grinned, malice flickering in his eyes, as Yeonjun stepped back, feeling the panic set in, before he rushed downstairs in an instant.

Nari had awoken with a start, feeling a stabbing pain through her stomach.

She glanced down, pulling her shirt up.
It looked as if she had been impaled, as she begun to panic.

"Oh. My. God. Fuck, fuck, I'm going to die." Nari said, stumbling to the kitchen as she grabbed a tea towel, but she could barely keep herself up, the pain practically getting the better of her as she fell, resting against the counter top, pushing down on her stomach hard.

Where was Hyunjin?

She closed her eyes, thinking about anything but the pain.

"Yeonjun. Where are you?"

"I'm here Nari, I'm here. Come on, open your eyes for me." Yeonjun whispered, shaking her gently.

Nari stirred, feeling her arm burn.

"Yeonjun... you heard me." She laughed, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm so scared. Somethings wrong, and not just the hole in my stomach."

Yeonjun smiled sadly, holding his bleeding wrist out for her.
"I know, and I'm going to help you. But first, you need to drink from me. Like you're a vampire. Trust me."

Nari nodded, taking his wrist gently into her mouth, but as soon as his blood touched her tongue, she hissed, pushing him away.

She gagged.
"It tastes like battery acid."

Yeonjun frowned. "Nari, I know it tastes gross, but it will make you feel better. Just trust me, okay?"

Nari was wary, but either way, held his wrist, and drank as quickly as she could, until the pain in her stomach subsided, and all that was left was the burning of her mouth.

She stood up, turned, and threw up in the sink.

Yeonjun patted her back gently.
"Do you want to tell me what's wrong, Nari?"

She turned to face him, her eyes glistening with tears.

"My body is pulling me towards him, Yeonjun, but I don't want him to hold me, I want you to. Yeonjun, I'm so scared. Whenever you touch me, it hurts, and he makes me feel better, but I don't know who he is, and I'm terrified about what's happening. This sort of thing isn't normal." Nari explained, her voice cracking as she fell into Yeonjun's chest, ignoring the burning sensation all over her body at his touch.

"Nari, I promise, I will figure this out. Don't worry about it. Nothing happened here today, you just came home, and had a nap." Yeonjun whispered, as Nari nodded.

"Thank you, Yeonjun."

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