Section 1

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Everything felt calm throughout the Antarctic empire castle,Prince Theseus had been in his room sorting out some of the decorations,
mostly the decorations,the rose gold swirls that elegantly looped around vines,upon his bed post had been his favourite. Thus currently he had attuned to placing small red gems in the center of each swirl,yes they were stickers. But did he care? No,he had still been hyped from his last visit to his friend Ranboo,though he hadn't heard from them in a while,and assumed they were busy. Though he couldn't blame them,after all lessons for the empires could be long and boring. Even he could understand this,as he shook his head with a sigh.

Sticking the last gem to finish his decorations,though he heard heavy footsteps come towards his room,
immediately he knew who it was. Pink bubblegum hair came into his sight,and a bright grin spread across his face. "Techno! Big man,how are you? With all the patrolling?" He questioned.

The piglin let out a small snort,though a small expression of concern crossed his features. He guessed tommy hasn't heard of the rumours,or well what has been happening. It concerned Technoblade greatly. "Theseus. . It's been good,but I have a question for you" he spoke in his usual monotone voice,however it had a sort of laced seriousness to it,that the young Prince wasn't used to.

"What is it Techno?" Theseus questioned a little,he stood up right more now,becoming more serious himself as his lips pressed into a thin line. He watched as Technoblade finally spoke up again,the question that left their lips making his blood turn to ice. "Did you poison Prince Ranboo? There's rumours that you did,and things aren't looking good. People are starting to believe it,no matter how much the Prince of end kingdom is attempting to defend you." At the question the blonde immediately looked offended almost.

"Technoblade,ranboo is one of my best friend. I would,NEVER,put him in danger,harm him,nor poison him." Theseus almost felt Hurt at the accusations that were being thrown at him,where did this come from? And anyone who knew him knew he wouldn't do something like this. Especially not to Ranboo,yes he can be annoying sometimes and mischievous. But murder? That was a stab in the back,clearly he had made an enemy of someone. And things didn't look good?. The princes heart thudded in his chest,that wasn't good.

Technoblade nodded at the answer,
feeling satisfied,he knew the Prince wouldn't harm anyone,and his voices suspected foul play.

Meanwhile in the end kingdom,
Ranboo had been pacing around nervously. He had only just recovered from the mild poisoning he suffered,
yet whoever did it he could tell it wasn't to kill him,it was more so to seem like it. And with all the evidence slowly gathering up for his friend,he feared for them,he wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to tommy. If he had to he would steal the young Prince away,the Enderian hybrid had been obviously stressed. As they calmly ripped one of the newspapers that read such lies,after a few moments and a check over from the royal medic. He laid down in bed once more,plotting silently,he didn't think it was Theseus who poisoned him,but Wilbur instead,or maybe even Techno. He knew they were protective,perhaps it was his own jealousy that they could have his best friend most of the time. But the end Prince had been just as protective or a bit over protective,like he had been to Tubbo. But they weren't here right now. And he had to try and figure out how to help with his brother

The prince of the kingdom being accused of murder, or attempt of it anyways, Left most of the kingdoms speechless. One boy inside of it, was just as confused as the rest. And that was the brother
Wilbur knew inside Tommy would never dare harm another being. Especially one he considered a close friend. There was a few people who could see it was a plot, to get him thrown out. But Wilbur noticed many believed the stupid rumours spreading. Even his father almost believed them. It took much time to convince the king other wise.

"Dad. Its Tommy he would never do that!" No. This act was more of something Wilbur would of done. And even he didn't stoop that low as to murder someone in broad day light. He would of sent Assassin's. Not that he had done it before. Just its what he would of done.

If tommy was exiled, what would he gain anyway? He was the eldest, and the throne was to be passed to him. He didn't even want it in the first place so if anything he wanted tommy there.
Though he couldn't help but wonder, who would want the Enderian prince dead.

Philza, the king asked himself the same. While many asked for Tommy to be thrown out, disowned. Exiled. He couldn't do that. It was his son. He wouldn't do it without a cause that had proof. But what could he do? The kingdom was all against him.

Theseus felt cold,almost numb at this information. After everything he had been told by Technoblade,and people believed this? That he would harm someone? Couldn't they see,that it was clearly a ploy to get rid of him. "No,no,no-" he muttered to himself,
tugging at the sleeve of his royal blue suit for comfort. "Techno,Y-You're not being serious right?" The blonde asked as if the older hybrid was joking,when he was met with complete silence. He spoke up once more,a whisper in his tone. "R. .right?" Theseus' expression morphed into an almost pleading one. As he saw a rare emotion change in the Knight.

"I can't lie to you,it's not looking good. And our people want you gone,other kingdoms are defending you,and others are wanting you exiled." Technoblade stated in all
seriousness,though he seemed sympathetic to Tommy's situation. He knew it was a lot to hear,or even handle for that matter. Tommy was a sixteen year old kid,and with the amount of evidence,and people against him. The young Prince would have to go to the King,mostly to face judgement. "You should,probably go make your way to the King, Theseus. I'm sorry" he bowed his head a little,
before exiting the room. He didn't want to witness what would happen next,even he had morals. And this was a twisted game someone played.

The young Prince had no choice but to make his way to the throne room,
anxiety filling his soul,as he watched maids look at him with sorrow,and some with distain. Most likely happy he would be gone,Theseus' shoes echoed across the marbled floor. As he entered the throne room,his gaze glancing at his older brother,it was obvious after finding out the news. Tommy felt hurt by his people,and the accusations. Though he was keeping himself composed by a thread,after all no matter what tears threatened to pour down his face,he had to remain calm. "You,wished to see me father?" Tommy questioned,his heart pounding in his chest,for the first time in his life. He felt afraid of his father's words.

Tales of the Arctic Empire (DSMP Fan fict)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora