section 9

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Wilbur looked at his son. "I'm so sorry she told you Fundy, I'm sorry no was never there for you. To learn the truth. Tommy was born after you, yes. But he is not your brother. He's not. I'm sorry" he felt a bit terrible for his son.

He soon turned his attention to the low mumbling of his brother, running to his side with tears. He had held them back "Tommy!" He looked at him, with joy. "I thought I'd never see you again" he took his brothers hand gently holding it in his own.

His brother was safe again, with their own kingdom. "I failed you. I'm sorry" he cried lowering his head. And letting go, he felt awful about it. Guilt ate at him for not looking at Tommy when he was exiled, when he should of stuck up for him like an older brother. "I wasn't thinking"

Phil sighed as he watched Sally being brought to his throne room. He stood and gave Ranboo a respectful bow, even if he didn't fully respect the much younger male. Ranboo was Tommy's age. And it was hard for him to see him on the same level like Wilbur could.

Standing straight he glared to the Oceanic Princess. "I brought you in my home, let you marry my son. And when that fell through, I allowed you to take my grandson with you for company. and This! Is how you show gratitude for my kindness?"

He had always treated Sally as a daughter when she lived with them, showing her kindness and joy when her parents would not. She had been disowned by them, and he took her in, letting his eldest marry her willingly. It was the greatest betrayal he ever felt. "Your crimes against all the nations, will not go unpunished" he warned.

He had to wait for the boys, see if they found Tommy or not. With all his heart he prayed

"it wasn't your fault, I wasn't allowed to send letters or anything- no matter how many I tried to secretly send. I think mom found them all and ripped them up,so I couldn't ask if it was true or not. After a while I just did,because the age frame seemed to make sense." He sighed softly,at least tommy was apart of his family in some way. And that's all that mattered to him,that he did have family here. As soon as tommy heard Wilbur's voice he perked up,managing to pull himself out of the blankets in Technoblades hold,to wrap his arms around his sibling,hugging them tightly. "It's okay wil- I know you wouldn't want anything bad happening to me,you didn't fail me-" he mumbled as he buried his face into his brothers sweater.

The oceanic princess glared a little "you exiled me and Fundy ,he was a child. That isn't kindness,i thought after some time part Wilbur would come to his senses,and I had to get his attention some how." She spoke up,clearly not regretting her actions. After all she thought if she removed tommy, she would get Wilbur back by using their sibling as blackmail,but it fell through.

Technoblade soon came into the room,leading the others to the throne room, so that they could see Sally's judgement,and Phil could see tommy was safe,and Ranboo as well.

Wilbur smiled, as he turned to Fundy. He had to come with them, but he wouldn't let anything happen this time as guards escorted the small group back to the palace.

When he got there his eyes immediately went to Sally. His heart dropped for some reason. He didn't expect her to be there so soon. Perhaps it was bad part of him still did love her in a little way. But he knew she was not a good person at all. No matter how much he would try to see it he knew the truth, and held both Tommy and Fundy close to him. For protection.

Phil frowned. "Sally, I exiled you for trying to Kill Wilbur. I knew a mother should have her son, Fundy was 3. I could not take him away from you. You legally won his custody" it was the only thing she got from the divorce. Before exile. "I could not keep him here, and break the law. Even a king has standard " and kidnapping my youngest son, to gain him back, didn't work. Look behind you"

He smiled to see Techno and Wilbur found Tommy, and Fundy. He had no harsh feelings to the fox. Even if he was helping his mother in all her actions

The two hybrid teens stayed close to Wilbur,each one in some way holding on to the brunettes sweater,mostly for comfort. Fundy seemed nervous and tommy didn't want to see Sally,
both of their actions showed discomfort around the woman. They didn't even look at her,Sally scared tommy due to the fact she had him almost kidnapped,and Fundy was afraid because he knew his mother was unstable.

Sally sighed softly and shook her head. "He was trying to leave me and Fundy ,we ended up accidentally leaving tommy behind though, we were supposed to take him then" she mumbled that part about accidentally leaving tommy behind,and that the blonde was supposed to come with them. In a way,this had always been coming. This wasn't the first time she tried to kidnap tommy to try and get back at Wilbur,she had even done it to Ranboo a few times to try and get a reaction. "And Wilbur wouldn't of been able to look after fundy,there was a reason I won custody. He wasn't stable enough to look after a child,  and tommy probably wasn't safe here anyways. After all what father willingly exiles a fifteen year old child. What If the end kingdom didn't take him in,he would of been homeless on the streets." She decided to throw some of the Kings actions against him,of the other possibilities could of been. Though her gaze drifted behind her to Wilbur,and the others. She shook her head at him, however she knew one way to take a jab at her ex husband.

"Hey Wilbur ,I heard you didn't even defend your brother when he was exiled, that you didn't even look at him. Doesn't that bring back memories,you couldn't even look at Fundy either when we were exiled. Despite it possibly being the last time you would ever see him. You never change do you" she let out a small laugh,as if mocking him. She knew where to hit her ex where it hurt.

Tommy in response to that was to reassuringly squeeze his siblings hand,to comfort them. And Ranboo winced a little at the remark,he knew both exiles were hard on Wilbur.

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