section 2

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Philza had called his son to the throne room for an official declaration. He didn't want to do it, he didn't want to say it at all. But he was being pressured into doing so.

Many kingdoms threatened war. While the others, said they'd help find the real person who did it. And so, he had to go with his only option, as king, to keep his kingdom safe. Even if it meant letting go of his beloved son.
Seeing him come through the grand doors, Wilbur froze. He was there as a witness. Many were. His heart was heavy as he couldn't look to his little brother any more. Otherwise he'd cry.

He never cried often, in fact it was rare to even hear of it. Wilbur was always strong, physical and mental. But knowing this could be the last time he saw or heard Tommy broke his heart. And shattered it to a million pieces.
Philza sighed. "I did summon you Theseus. We have come to a conclusion of what to do with this matter we have been faced with" He looked at his son, regret filling his eyes for what he was about to say.

"I am Sorry Theseus. I really am" he spoke softly as he stood up. The room fell silent, awaiting to hear what had to say. "For the safety and well being of this land, As the king of the Arctic Empire, you are hereby exiled, till farther noticed" he said it aloud for the room to hear.

He said 'as king' for a reason. Because every fatherly instinct told him not to do this, and just let the war come. But he knew better than that, he had seen what war could do the families and nations.
"I truly am sorry"

The young Prince froze as the words rang through his ears,his eyes widened a little. Tears began to gather at the corners of his eyes,as he saw the knights come near him ready to lead him out. Theseus shook his head a little,he felt like he had been stabbed,he wasn't sure how visibly hurt he looked,but the tone of his voice that sounded betrayed,when he spoke up. "No,you're not sorry,because if you were. You wouldn't of done this,you would of defended me! And yet you let people slander me,and then exile me for their approval." He couldn't even have heat behind his words,he sounded so disappointed in his own family. He finally looked away from his father,
glancing at Wilbur who wasn't even looking at him. He didn't know what hurt more at this point,the fact he just got exiled or his own brother wouldn't look him in the eye.

Yet after his words,he accepted his fate allowing the knights to take him away,he took of his crown,giving it to Technoblade. It was a symbol of the royal family,of his family. But he guessed he didn't need it anymore,as he gave an empty smile. "Here take this,I am no longer Theseus,but I really lived up to my name? Didn't  i" he laughed an hollow laughter,before he saw the purple carriage.

Technoblade gripped the crown, watching Theseus just disown the family crescent after their exile. Yet he couldn't blame them,his own chest hurt as his instincts silently mourned the lost of one of his hoard. Knowing that he may not ever see them again,his gaze landed on the purple carriage,his head tilting. When he suddenly realised what was happening. The end kingdom had wanted him,which meant Ranboo was taking tommy away from them now. The piglin had to calm his own anger at this,his hands slightly Trembling as he watched Theseus leave in the carriage.

Prince Ranboo,had heard of the official statement by the King,
everyone knew by now of the young princes exile. It seems the people though that tommy would of been exiled to a more closer place,not Actually ripped away from them,and he had heard it began to immediately rain as soon as tommy crossed the border,from their kingdom to Ranboo. It was as if the empire itself and not the people had mourned for its sun being taken away,yet it some kingdom's laughed at the Antarctic empire for their exiled prince had landed,at the very kingdom that had posed a threat in the first place. As soon as the Enderian hybrid saw tommy, he immediately hugged them. Seeing the tears run down the blondes face,trying to comfort them.

Tommy appreciated this greatly and went inside the end castle as he was lead inside,going to a room that was made for him. He was supposed to be kept an eye on here,mostly until Ranboo could find out the truth about what happened. And who did it,and due to their over protectiveness and the anger Ranboo currently held,
mostly at the Antarctic empire. The end Prince most likely wouldn't allow anyone in from the Antarctic kingdom.

Wilbur had looked up when Theseus looked away from him and their father.  Like he thought, seeing him take the crown off, leaving him behind, broke him more. Tears fell down his face as he left the throne stand, left his fathers side to run to His side to stop his brother from leaving. "Theseus!" He cried out, as a guard stopped him half way there. Wilbur screamed to be let go. He didn't want him to leave.

Philza watched with tears as his son handed the royal crescent over to the general. He knew what he did was to save the kingdom but he felt he had let his sons down majorly as he watched Wilbur's attempt to stop him from leaving, just for them to go in vain.

As Wilbur watched The carriage leave, he fell to the ground sobbing. He should of protected him more, he would of fought the entire world for his brother. And just like that, it was that very same cruel world that had him taken away. "Please.. Come back" he cried reaching out softly before knowing inside, he wasn't. He was gone, his baby brother was gone. With little hope of seeing him again.

Tales of the Arctic Empire (DSMP Fan fict)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant