section 10

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Wilbur stood slightly in fear of Sally, fear of what she was able to do to his son and Tommy. He was aware of her trying to kidnap Ranboo but he was never close to many people but his family and a few people around the kingdom he grew up with.  But hearing her bring up the past, had him wishing to cry again. It was true, he couldn't look at Fundy when he left. He knew deep inside it felt the same. That's why he couldn't look at his brother when it was his turn.
Despite Tommy trying to reassure him he was alright he just looked down with tears threatening to spill.  "you have no idea, what I've been through these past 15 years" he growled. "I have seen death first hand many times"

Not even Phil knew that. Wilbur had seen his mother die infront of him, and others in the castle and town too. It seemed it was by accident he had witnessed it many times himself too. When she tried to kill him, while still married, he barely survived.

"Sally, your words will not excuse your actions and crimes. And for this you have two options. Sentence for life, or execution tomorrow. Make your choice"
He wasn't unjustified to do this. He just wanted to give her the choice, or perhaps Tommy the choice. He didn't want to be the one to sentence her to death. "Tommy. What do you say?"

The  blonde teen froze a little on spot,he didn't know what to say,he looked at Fundy for help. The fox hybrid leaned over and whispered the option to him,that Fundy saw fit. He had suffered a lot at Sally's hand and well it seems others as well. "Um,if it's between the two option,and with help from Fundy. A life sentence because I don't want to kill anyone,no matter how bad they've been. It's still a life" his gaze dropped to the floor,as he hid behind his older sibling afterwards. Mostly from the sickly sweet smile sally gave him,when the execution option had been a choice.

"If you executed me,i would of Haunted you all,anyways. For all you know I could be part phantom,or have some other hybrid trait. Who knows what death could of brought you" she joked a little,but she didn't even fear the possibility of death. Instead she made a threat with it,which made tommy relieved he picked the life sentence. He knew phantoms could be dangerous and also rather protective. And even now,it was uncertain to him if his father would place her in the dungeons or exile her away again.

Fundy, knew this was for the best,at least he could stay with his father,no matter how much it hurt,when he realised the type of person his mother had become. He did his best to comfort his father seeing their tears almost fall.

Phil smiled and looked at her before motioning for the guards nearby to escort her away. "I have you a chance before, I will not make it again. Sally. You are hereby to be sentenced to a life sentence in the dungeons, for the attempt to Not only kill a prince of another Kingdom, but kidnap the prince of this Empire. You will be escorted to you cell, where you will spend the rest of your days"
He wasn't risking the chance of this happening again. No more chances where being given to her. she had betrayed his trust twice. Her second chance was up. "Take her out of my sight" he said with a low growl.

Wilbur allowed Tommy to hide behind him, to try and be brave for him. He watched as Sally was taken away. He didn't look away this time. His eyes rang with a look she would of known all to well. He still loved her. He did. And it hurt to let her go this far. But he knew she only used him before.

Despite feeling Wilbur's gaze on her,
Sally ignored him as she was lead away to her fate. Only after Sally had been escorted away,tommy removed himself from hiding. Clinging on to wilbur. "So that was your ex wife- why do you pick the scary slightly psychotic ones wil?" He questioned slightly,in a joking manner he was trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere.

Ranboo had lifted his declaration,
allowing the people of the Antarctic empire back into his kingdom. He assumed Tommy's exile was over,and they were prince Theseus again. Fundy had actually spoken up about this "will tommy get his crown back-? Since the true culprit was caught,thus making the exile naught? Due to proved innocence" he held onto Wilbur's sleeve as he spoke,feeling nervous again. Not knowing the reaction he would get for asking a question of his own,his mom would get mad,so he was unsure about the rest of his family.

Wilbur smiled to his brother. "Tommy, I wish I knew why I loved her" he said rubbing the blondes hair with a laugh. He was glad he was back, and also glad that Ranboo lifted his declaration of the banning of them from his kingdom.
But Fundys question did confuse him too. Was Tommy allowed back? And what about funny himself? Was he not still exiled? It left a sad feeling in him to even dare think they would both leave again.

Phil only smiled walking up to the three and hugging them all. Tommy of course was given the longest. "The exile is over Theseus. You can choose where you wish to stay. Here or With Ranboo, as long as your safe" he felt happy to be able to hold him close once again. Before turning to Fundy.

"As I do not see it fit to keep you in exile for your mothers actions, Fundy. Feel free to stay in the Arctic Empire with your father here. You were always family to us"

Family stuck together in his mind. And if Wilbur forgave Fundy, and so did Tommy. Then he would too. It was his grand son after all.
Phil turned to Ranboo. "thank you, for bringing him home. I am forever in your debt" he'd have to find someway to repay him for Technoblade brought over surprisingly two crowns,after all if Fundy was Wilbur's son,and their exile had been null now,the fox hybrid could have their crown back with an orange gem,it was made as he was told for when Fundy grew up. And Theseus could have their crown back as well,the piglin placed the crowns upon both teens heads,so they can reclaim the title of prince. The blonde felt surprised for a moment,feeling the weight of the crown upon his head again. "It's okay dad,I'd rather stay here and Ranboo can come visit,plus I need to show Fundy where all the best hiding spots are." He grinned happily,as Fundy seemed a bit Overwhelmed not realising he had a crown made for him. It felt nice to be apart of a real family.

Ranboo gave a soft smile to Phil "I wouldn't of wanted anything bad to happy to tommy,and I knew there was foul play involved,so I would of done anything to protect him. Even when I wasn't heard." The ender Prince stated  as he gave a bow for the first time ever,a small sign of respect from the Enderian. "I suppose I should leave you,to your family reunion?" He chuckled as he began to make his way out of the empires throne room so he could travel back to his own kingdom,he had things to do and to notify all other empires and kingdoms,other than the ones who Already know about the oceanic kingdoms crimes and the broken peace treaties the ocean kingdom had done as well.

Tales of the Arctic Empire (DSMP Fan fict)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora