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Tommy now sitting in his dark purple themed room,drew small patterns and little swirls,tracing the images in his new bed post. His room felt so dark,as if he was trapped within then night. He guessed he became the moon now,instead of the sun. They stripped him of his royal blue colours,a symbol of the Antarctic empire and dressed him in the symbols of the end,purples and ebony. He glanced down at his cuffs which used to be baby blue,now dyed lilac. "I. ." He tried to whisper to himself,feeling Overwhelmed by the situation. Remembering his older brother call out his name and begging him not to leave. All it took was that simple flash back to leave him in tears,for the third time today,he pulled his knees up to his chest,burying his face in them as he sobbed. "I want my brother" he mumbled into his knees,in-between sobs.

Ranboo felt guilt creep up inside him,hearing the broken sobs of his friend from outside their bedroom. With a small sigh a knocked on the door opening it shortly after. "Theseus? What's wrong" he softly questioned a little,sitting down at the end of the bed as teary blue eyes stared up at him.

"I miss Wilbur, and my home already.  .  .but also I disowned my name,and I'm unsure what to call myself now." The nameless teen responded,glancing down at his hands. Hearing the soft hum of thought coming from the end Prince,before they spoke up. "How about Tommy" Ranboo suggested,
feeling that it fit the blonde more than their previous name.

Theseus,now dubbed tommy. Actually gave small grin at the name,
accepting it fully. "I like it!,Tommy" he tested it out on his tongue,his new name,smiling slightly at how easily it rolled off his tongue. "Thank you boo,i appreciate it greatly,king" he used his sleeve to wipe away some of his tears,though felt confused as he saw Ranboo hold out his hand to the blonde.

"I want to make an announcement" Ranboo stated,watching Tommy take his hand before he lead the blonde to the throne room. Mainly to state that: 'Ex Prince Theseus of the Antarctic empire,was now Tommy of the end kingdom,and he would be staying in the end. As the Prince of the end kingdom thought that the Antarctic empire,dealt with the situation awfully under peer pressure. Thus no Antarctic citizens,nor royally were allowed in the end kingdom,until further notice' it seemed this had been Ranboo's revenge,for king Philzas choice had been. And also the fact that the Enderian hybrid had been rubbing it in slightly,how tommy has disowned the family crescent and name. Though one of the reasons Ranboo took the young Prince in the first place,was that he found a clue,which proved Tommy's innocence. And he wanted to dig deeper. Though selfishly,he wanted to be the one to prove Tommy's innocence of the attempted murder.

New spread to the Arctic empire quickly about the declaration Ranboo had made against them. It wasn't the fact Tommy changed his name or disowned the family and left them. Wilbur had to admit he could see tommy looking cool in the Enderian colours. No, what hurt. Was he couldn't see him anymore. That his brother was gone.

For a whole week, since receiving the letter with the photo in it, from an anonymous source only he knew, Wilbur refused under any circumstances to come out of his royal quarters. He stayed in his room all day, everyday. Barely speaking to anyone who knocked or came in.

Not even his father could convince him to come out. Nothing anyone told him could make him smile again. He sat alone countless hours at a desk looking at nothing. Occasionally he'd look at the photo he had received, just to set it aside and cry again. Why did he feel jealous like this? Why did he actually hate Ranboo now?

The Royal Enderian had never done anything to offend him before. And Wilbur actually found it nice when he visited Theseus, or as he would now be known, Tommy.

Phil watched as his son hid himself away and just fell into a hole of sorrow. He knew he made the wrong choice, he knew it deep inside. But they didn't know what he knew. The threats of war starting had been going on since tommy was born. And he had tried year after year to keep them at bay. To keep it from coming. But it would be his kingdom, Ranboos, if still under a peace treaty, and one other, against seven. Some armies bigger than his own in many ways. He was looking after the countless souls he was to protect as a leader. But in doing so, he only failed the one he deemed to be worth dying for. His own son.
Sorrow had hit Phil too, but he hid it away. If Tommy was happier there, then so be it. But it hurt knowing he didn't want to be part of the empire anymore over one small act.

Technoblade had been visibly irritated by the declaration and news,
to the piglin hybrid this had been a mockery. He could clearly see it,the end kingdom was mocking them. He his feet harshly echoed across the floor as maids moved out of the way,
even guards. Making his way to Phil,as he opened the door to the throne room. "They're mocking us-,they took our prince after what happened,stripped him of our colours and rubbing it in our faces" he hissed out,his crimson eyes glowing a fiery shade of red. "I'm starting to think that Ranboo wasn't actually poisoned,what if this is just some ploy? For them to take theseu- i mean,tommy. Away from us in the first place? We all know how protective the enderians are. And Ranboo was particularly attached to tommy,so how do we know if the evidence was just made up?" He started to ramble a little,with his own theories,this didn't make sense. "The only person that could of planted evidence against tommy,had to of been someone close to him- otherwise there would of been no other way,they could of Gotten those things. And do I have to mention,your highness at the time it apparently happened,tommy wasn't even in the kingdom!" He tried not to raise his voice,ever since tommy had left. Technoblades voices had been louder then ever,wanting blood shed and their runt back,it had been driving his piglin Hyde brain crazy,acting up his instincts.

He could tell as well Wilbur was effected by it too,he even saw the photo that had been sent to Wilbur, because one had been sent to him as well. And when his eyes first set gaze on the image,he growled at it. It added to his theories,of maybe what the truth had been?

Prince ranboo had found finger prints and some hair,belonging to another person. Not Tommy's,which helped him gather evidence of the blondes innocence,he found It near the crime scene. In fact the long strand of orange hair had intrigued him, Ranboo thought of Fundy maybe,Wilbur's ex son who had betrayed the empire whilst tommy was a toddler,everyone knew that story. The son of Wilbur,which had been with Princess Sally of the oceanic kingdom in which they broke up,due to differences,and left Fundy with Wilbur. However Fundy ended up betraying the empire when they shared secrets of it,with king Shlatt of L'manberg. He wondered if possibly this could be a revenge not on tommy but on Wilbur themselves,a way to get back at them in the most painful way possible,by either Fundy,or maybe sally when she found out about his good fortune. A small sigh escaped him,as he placed it in a plastic sealed bag for safe keeping.

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