xvi. call me lover

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THE REST OF CHRISTMAS Eve was spent listening to Celestina Warbeck -- who, as Keegan had quickly gathered, was Molly's favourite singer -- and drinking away the... interesting screech of her voice with eggnog -- or, in some desperate cases, firewhiskey. George hadn't released her hand the entire night, proudly introducing her to his eldest brother, Bill, and Bill's fiance, the Beauxbatons alumni, Fleur Delacour. It was clear from the second Fleur stepped into the room that neither Molly or Ginny liked the newest addition to the family. Bill's father and brothers didn't seem to care, and the whole family including the two women seemed just fine around Keegan, but something about Fleur grated on their nerves, which Keegan didn't find very fair. Fleur seemed nice enough, and she'd taken to Keegan immediately when she so much as smiled at her.

That night, Keegan went to bed feeling like maybe, just maybe, she'd managed to ace the meeting-your-boyfriend's family thing. At least she wasn't like poor Fleur, judged for her attitude and dismissed despite how much Bill seemed to adore her.

The next morning, despite it being Christmas Day, started equally as awkward as the night before ended. Despite knowing that George's family liked her, Keegan was still surprised to find that Molly had taken the time to knit her one of the infamous Weasley sweaters. Made out of soft navy wool with a pink K imprinted on the front, Keegan had felt like she was floating -- well, until Fleur came downstairs and Molly didn't so much as look in her direction.

Suddenly, the new wool sweater felt like a strait-jacket rather than a token of acceptance.

"I feel so bad for her," Keegan admitted to George as the two of them stood outside together. Through the window, they watched as Bill and Molly exchanged words, the rest of the family either pretending not to listen, or pulling a George and Keegan and making themselves scarce until lunch time. "She seems lovely to me."

"I mean, I don't really care who Bill is with," George shrugged, shyly toying with the box clutched in his hands. He'd taken Keegan outside to give her a present, feeling embarrassed with his entire family's attention on him. Keegan hadn't seemed to notice the box yet, still watching through the window as Bill shook his head and stormed away from Molly. "Keegs, can you look at me?"

Keegan promptly let out a gasp when her eyes landed on the ring-shaped box he held out to her. It was crudely wrapped in red and green paper, little golden snitches imprinted on the fabric. Alarmed, all she could think to say was, "George..."

"It's not what it looks like!" he exclaimed, face blooming bright pink -- from the cold, he'd insist when his obviously eavesdropping brothers and sister teased him about it later. "Oh, Merlin... I promise I'm not proposing -- I mean, not yet, at least--"


"Unless you wanted me to propose..." George trailed off, really not sure what to say when Keegan's face dropped.

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