Freedom-Seeking Hearts

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Summary: For how much longer will Emily Prentiss and Fem!Reader be able to contain their freedom-seeking hearts?

Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader

Category: Comfort

Content Warnings: secret relationship, coming-out, fear of being outed, implied homophobia (but it's not experienced in this story!), heavy kissing

Word count: 1.7k


Emily Prentiss was the kind of person who liked to keep things to themselves. She had no interest in oversharing about her private life to anyone and I respected that. For over a decade it was enough for me to be the only person she could be her true self with. We made it work and we were happy together, living in our own little bubble inside the walls of our shared apartment.

However, when my department was called to help out the unit she recently joined I had a hunch that this could get tricky. There was no time to discuss this with her beforehand and I could watch the color slowly drain from Emily's face while their Unit Chief introduced me to his team. I decided that we couldn't pretend we were strangers so I greeted her with a sweet, "Hi Em."

Agent Hotchner looked at the both of us with raised eyebrows before he asked, "You two know each other?"

"Yeah uh... she's my... roommate," Emily stammered.

And just like that this sweet bubble we were living in burst.

We were met with the startled expressions of the rest of the team but nobody said anything at her obvious lie. The lump in my throat was hard to swallow but I managed to do that in order to protect our relationship.

"We met back when we were in the academy and have been sharing an apartment ever since," I explained while Emily tried to get her composure back.

"We're glad to have you here. Now let's focus on the case," Agent Hotchner suggested.

Shortly after my arrival we were boarding a jet to go to a small town in the middle of nowhere. Agent Derek Morgan was insisting on sitting next to me, his smirk already making me nervous. I wasn't used to being surrounded by profilers so I tried my best to control my own behavior as well as possible.

"So tell us, what was young Emily Prentiss like?" He asked me with a playful undertone.

I glanced over to her, her eyes focussing on a casefile on the other side of the small plane.

"You know, she has always been a little mysterious," I sincerely told him.

"Come on, you have been living with her for what? A decade? Gimme something more!"

"What, do you want me to spill her deepest darkest secrets?" I laughed.

The man beside me joined me in my laughter, "Uh yeah? That's exactly what I'm talking about."

"Okay, what about this? She never finishes her coffee, always leaving exactly one sip in the cup. I don't know why she does it. It's like she is committed to drinking it and she really enjoys it but at some point she can't go any further, leaving the last bit of the liquid untouched for me to empty it in the sink."

"Huh," is all I heard from Morgan.


He shrugged and put his headphones on, glancing over at Emily before looking at me and mumbling, "Nothing."

I decided to drop it, already feeling weird about this whole conversation. Me being there was about solving a case, not to talk about my roommate who also happened to be my girlfriend to a bunch of strangers. Walking over to the coffeemaker I noticed Emily getting up from her seat to follow me. When she was sure nobody was paying attention to us she tentatively brushed her fingers over the back of my hand and whispered, "I'm sorry about before, it's just -"

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