Chapter 1

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Shortly after starting work, the landline rang and Donnan Bei grabbed the phone and said, "Hello! International Department Dongnan Bei."

"Come here a minute, State Guest House 426." said his cousin in a hoarse voice, then hung up the phone.

The moment the door of the State Guest House was opened by Kwong, a smell of smoke poured from it, mixed with breath after a hangover, Donnan Bei held his breath and walked into the room. His cousin, wearing a pair of boxer shorts only, was reclining on sofa in the living room of the suite with his legs open and the remote control in his hand, the . and dark circles,tousled hair and . While Donnan Bei approaching, his cousin pointed at a shopping bag on the coffee table with the remote control. He said he had to go out and asked Donnan bei to help him put his things away,left Donnan Bei cash for emergencies, and told him the password to his bankbook.

Donnan Bei picked up the bag and asked, "Is there anything else?" The cousin shook his head as he stared at the TV screen. As Donnan Bei walked towards the door, his cousin's voice came from the back, "Take a taxi back."

Donnan Bei's returned to the office after lunch in the canteen, some were reading the newspaper, while others were lying on their desks and pads on the floor taking a nap. Donnan Bei gently pulled the large bottom drawer of the desk, reached into the shopping bag and groping with

one hand,took out a laundry bag and openned on his lap.

There was a standard kraft paper archive, a small cloth bag and a hotel envelope in it, contained two gold chains ,rings, a small gold tiger and two watches, two bank books and several debit notes,a pistol wrapped in black plastic and two boxes of bullets.

Donnan Bei looked at the watch from time to time, and hurried out of the office building at about 3:30 with the shopping bag and walked into the Toyo Bank across Shenzhen middle Road.

A young lady of the safe deposit box department stood after the front desk, she was asking questions of Donnan Bei as she ticked off the forms, and Donnan Bei was looking at her and whatever came to mind.She was tall, with short, curly, thick hair, a slightly pale complexion, phoenix eyes, a thin, straight nose, a slightly thin upper lip, distinctly flat cheeks, a slightly upturned chin, habitually frowned when not speaking.

The young lady leaned forward and and looked towards the form that Donnan Bei was filling out,occasionally extending a long, thin finger and pointing. Sniffing her scent as she approached, Donnan Bei lifted his head to look around and said, "What's that smell? It smells so good!"

The young lady didn't say anything, but straightened her back and distanced herself from Donnan Bei. Donnan Bei stared at the name tag on the left chest of her uniform and identified her name: Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu bent an arm over her chest and raised her voice to ask Donnan Bei, "Have you finished? Mr. Don Bei Nan?"

Donnan Bei looked up and saw that Zhu Zhu was being surly ,little flush, looking at him coldly,pressing her lips together.

"Is it okay?" Donnan Bei said,turned the form around and pushed it towards Zhu Zhu, "Thank you, Miss Zhu Zhu, I'm from Shencheng Bank, my surname is Donnan and my gaven name is Bei."

"Excuse me, Mr. Donnan." Zhu Zhu said with a smile, and then quickly returned to her expression.

As soon as he left the office building after work, Donnan Bei took off his suit and carried it in his hand as he walked quickly towards the ShenZhen Art Centre.

It was autumn, the sun set but the sky was still bright, the ground and buildings were hot, and the shops along the way brought out as their doors were opened. The of pedestrians,their rich expressions, accents and tones, reveal who they are and their attitude to this new city and life in South China.Weaving in and out of the flow of people, Donnan Bei captured the fleeting images.

Standing at the entrance of the Art Centre, facing the glass, Donnan Bei mopped perspiration from his forehead, smoothed his hair and pushed the door.

The notice boards around the hall featured soaring ceiling were filled with advertisements for various art classes, from painting, dance, voice to piano, from adults to children, as well as information on small performances, painting exhibitions and reviews of some . There was also a poem on the side of the notice board, which Donnan Bei read quickly as he passed by, smiled slightly.

Donnan Bei walked into the shabby office, paid the tuition in exchange for a receipt and a student card,which was business card-sized, handwritten name with a red seal. After completing the process the register,Donnan Bei left the office, went around the floors tentatively and returned to the hall.

When Donnan Bei was reading before notice board,people passed by from time to time.If it weren't for some children walking behind him, with their parents carrying musical instruments or school bags, it really looked like he was in campus of college of art. As if suddenly realizing something, Donnan Bei loosened his tie and took it right off his head and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, pulling out his skirt and rolling up his sleeves.

Donnan Bei was about to pull the door open while a girl outside the door was also pulling the door open. He pushed the door and the girl was also pushing the door. He let go of his hand and looked at the girl outside the door and suddenly froze. Zhu Zhu was also stunned for a moment, then she grinned, waving at Donnan Bei through the glass.

After Donnan Bei accompanied Zhu Zhu to finish the registration Zhu Zhu headed outside hurriedly, Donnan Bei followed her back to the hall, Zhu Zhu suddenly stopped, pinched the corner of the student card and waved it, "Donnan ...... senpai, do you know where to buy painting materials?"

"The class will not start if there are not enough students."Donnan Bei swung the suit in his hand and said, "Are you sure you want to buy them now? There's a shop on Old Street."

Zhu Zhu hesitated and said, "That area can be messy, lots of thieves."

"I'll go with you." Donnan Bei said.

A succession of speeding minibuses suddenly staggered to a stop in the middle of the road, almost every one of them packed with people. Donnan Bei let Zhu Zhu get on first and squeezed himself on and stood with his back against the door. With the sudden braking and starting of the minibus, between the shaking Donnan Bei caught an aroma and inhaled deeply.

"A very special aroma." Donnan Bei whispered, "Not from common shower gel or shampoo."

"I made my own perfume." Zhu Zhu said with a sideways glance.

"It is incredible!" Donnan Bei said, "Your dress is pretty too, bohemian, like San Mao's dress, but you are much better than she."

"Are you done?" Zhu Zhu said with a stern face and a frowned chin.

When they arrived at the shop, Zhu Zhu picked up almost everything and looked at it and put it down gently, asking Donnan Bei from time to time what certain things were used for, and Donnan Bei described them to her in detail.

"How do you know everything?" Zhu Zhu said as she scanned the shelves.

"By chance." Donnan Bei said, "You're a local? But your accent is strange."

Zhu Zhu shook her head and didn't say anything. She went from shelf to shelf, and soon she had some crayons, play-doh and coloured paper in her hand.

"We don't need it."Donnan Bei said.

"I bought them for the children." Zhu Zhu said.

"How old is your child?" Donnan Bei asked.

Zhu Zhu froze for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, holding the back of her hand to her mouth and saying, "How many children do I look like a mother to have?"

"It depends on how many children you have in one birth, I guess." Dong Nan said casually.

"I'm not a pig." Zhu Zhu lowered her head and said, "I bring to the of the school for the deaf. and I often volunteer on weekends, teaching them to draw and do crafts, so you can come with me if you have nothing to do, and do good deeds for good causes."

"Yeah, that's what my mum always says." Donnan Bei said.

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