Chapter 2

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As soon as Donnan Bei and Zhu Zhu walked through the doors of the school for the deaf, everyone they met greeted,from the security to the janitors and teachers they encountered from time to time,Zhu Zhu responded warmly and smilingly.

The children in the classroom were even more enthusiastic when they saw Zhu Zhu, their eyes shining, their mouths whimpering, their hands clapping and their desks banging to make all sorts of sounds to welcome her. Zhu Zhu introduced Donnan Bei to the children through sign language, then made him to sit on a small bench by the podium with a gesture.

Zhu Zhu took some pictures of chickens out of her backpack and showed them to the children, who clapped their hands and passed. Zhu Zhu didn't know how to fix the pictures on the board, so Donnan Bei got up and took the pictures and held them above his head and then lowered them to his chest and tried to pin them to his belt, causing the children to burst out laughing. Finally he folded a narrow edge around the edge of the podium and pulled out his belt and pressed it on top. By this time Zhu Zhu was already walking to each child's desk with a cardboard box full of drawing materials, allowing them to choose their own.

Zhu Zhu returned to the podium and explained to the children before using white chalk to sketch a random outline of a hen standing with her head held high on the blackboard. Some of the children had already followed the drawing. Zhu Zhu erased the outline, prompted the children to look carefully and memorized with their brains before drawing,then drew the outline of a hen with her head down. After outlining the head and wings of the hen, Zhu Zhu began to change the coloured chalk and coloured heavily , portrayed the beak, eyes and claws of the hen finally.

After the children had started to draw, Zhu Zhu indicated the children to come to the podium at any time to look at the pictures, and then came down to each child's table and stayed for a while, sometimes pointing, sometimes patting the child's shoulder, touching the child's head and giving a thumbs up. Zhu Zhu turns around and then sit side by side with Donnan Bei, fine bloom and smiling.

"Showing something?" Zhu Zhu asked Donnan Bei with a sideways glance.

"Let them draw for a while." Donnan Bei said as he looked at the children, standing up and walking to the middle of them.

Zhu Zhu looked around and then stood in front of the podium and exchanged with the children before pointing to Donnan Bei,children looked at him and applauded enthusiastically. Donnan Bei walked over to stand with Zhu Zhu and she was about to leave when Donnan Bei gently pulled her back. He pointed to the hen on the blackboard, then to himself, waved his hand and shook his head, then pointed to Zhu Zhu and nodded, children broke into laughter. He then drew a larger outline of the hen on the board, then pulled up his hair with one hand and outlined a rooster's comb with the other; stroked his chin and drew the rooster's whisker; bent sideways and pulled his checked shirt out of his jeans, lifted it up and exaggeratedly drew the rooster's tail.

After Zhu Zhu ducked out, Donnan Bei took out coloured chalk and coloured the feathers on each part of the rooster's body in turn, finally dipping in saliva with finger to wipe out all the chalk on the rooster's eye part, and then used white chalk to outline a little reflective effect, then pointed at Zhu Zhu and drew a "double eyelid" on the rooster's eye by hand, the children watched open-eyed , bursting into laughter from time to time.

When Donnan Bei saw that the children had almost finished drawing, he went back to the blackboard, picked up the yellow chalk and drew two small and large circles, painted out the parts where the circles intersected, and made up a few strokes to outline the chick's beak, tail and feet. Donnan Bei quickly drew more outlines of newly hatched chicks with their eggshells on.

The minibus ride back to Shenzhen was bumpy, Zhu Zhu and Donnan Bei sat in the last row, their shoulders bumping into each other constantly.

"I didn't expect you to be so kid-friendly. " Zhu Zhu said suddenly, "The kids were so sad when you left, some of them were crying out,But they were so happy today."

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