Chapter 12

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Donnan Bei and Gu Li returned to the bachelor flat together, and as soon as he stepped into Gu Li's room, Donnan Bei was immediately amazed. The room was decorated in a fresh, warm tone, suffused with a faint fragrance. All-white bedding, four pillows stacked on top of the bed and a small rug laid beside the bed. Heavy curtains separate the interior from the balcony with its toilet, shower and kitchen. Next to the door was a shoe rack and two pine wardrobes, a small table against the wall was laid with a tablecloth, two wine bottle-sized candles and a small bouquet of flowers, a large plate on each side of the small table, next to shiny knives and forks and folded napkins, and in front of it were spotless goblet.

"How did your little nestle get so snug? Like a hotel room." Donnan Bei looked around and said, "What day is it? So grand and elabprate."

"Wash your hands and help me with my cook." Gu Li said as she nudged Donnan Bei.

Donnan Bei washed the vegetables, reshaped, mixed with dressing and put them in a large glass bowl and took them out of the kitchen with the pan of thick steak, Gu Li followed with a plate of fruit, divided the steak. After tidying the table and sitting down, Gu Li handed Donnan Bei a bottle of red wine and opener, which he opened and poured two glasses as Gu Li lit the candles.

"How are you feeling today?" Gu Li said as she sat across from Donnan Bei and untied her apron, then tied her hair and looked at him provocatively with big sparkling eyes full of smiles.

"I ......" Donnan Bei stammered, picking up his glass of red wine and finishing it off in one gulp, then said, "It's always bad luck."

"Why is it that every time I see you it's always when you're in a bad mood?" Gu Li said as she picked up her glass, "You just need a drink."

Soon Gu Li had also finished her red wine and Donnan Bei refilled for both of them.

"Do you need to talk? At least prove you're not being perfunctory." Gu Li said.

Donnan Bei shook his head and said, "Have you ever been in love before that Taiwanese guy?"

"So you're in love, handsome?" Gu Li said, looking at Donnan Bei and raising an eyebrow.

"What do you know about the Taiwanese guy?" Donnan Bei said, "If you decide to be with one man you don't know yet, how bad can you stand him really being?"

"It depands on why he's so bad and how good he is to parents, to friends, to me?" Gu Li said with a serious expression.

Donnan Bei looked at Gu Li for a moment and thought, "What do you want from me?"

"Don't change the subject! Why are you in a bad mood again?" Gu Li said, picking up her glass and taking a large sip.

Donnan Bei swirled his glass and said slowly, "There was a girl—"

Gu Li interrupted with a smile, "I knew it, girls can be talked about slowly, meat should be eaten while it's hot."

Donnan Bei smiled bitterly, put down his glass, picked up the knife and fork and cut a small piece of steak into his mouth and chewed slowly.

"Well?" Gu Li said with a piece of beef in her mouth.

"The meat is good." Dong Nan said.

"Would it kill you to compliment my cooking against your will?" Gu Li said.

"Being able to keep meat good is a compliment on your cooking." Donnan Bei said.

"That makes sense too, thanks!" Gu Li said, "When it si good time, you'll start on your own story."

Donnan Bei finished the steak quickly, wiped his mouth and stared at the pillows on the bed and said, "The pillows must be so fluffy, won't your head sink in?"

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