Chapter 5

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There had been no news of his cousin, so Donnan Bei paged kuong, who quickly returned his call and asked him to meet at the Dragon Palace nightclub in the evening.

Only a few tables were lit with candles, against the blue night sky outside the huge glass dome, like the lights on fishing boats on the river at dusk. There was a female singer in the middle of the stage singing English songs with an occasional northeastern Mandarin accent, accompanied by a man playing an electric piano at the back. The backlight of the stage reflected on the singer's face through her hair, and the singer's body swayed slightly, as if she were standing on the prow of a boat swaying with the waves.

After standing for a moment, Donnan Bei walked deeper with the greeter.

"Sorry, Brother Tiger told me to get in touch with you often, but I've been busy, sorry about that." Kuong said as he shook Donnan Bei's hand.

"I work late too, and I live far away." Donnan Bei said, "What's happened to my cousin?"

"Sit down first." Kuong said, waving his hand at the waiter.

"Brother Tiger is wanted now." Kuong said as he watched the waiter move away and lifted his glass and clinked it with Donnan Bei.

"Huh? For what?" Donnan Bei said.

"What can I say? Messing a chief of police station and being wanted." Kuong said.

"Brother Kai couldn't fix it?" Donnan Bei said.

Kuong shook his head and then said, "He is the reason when Brother Tiger fell out with Chief Zhang the first time."

Once Donnan Bei's cousin and Brother Kai and a few classmates of sports school who working in the judicial system attended a party, Chief Zhang was drunk and started to discredit, and when he talked something embarrassing about Brother Kai, he still used the mantra of "fuck your mother". his cousin felt distasteful and said,"Can you talk without mother?"

Chief Zhang turned his head and raised his voice to cousin and said, "What if I fuck your mother? I can fuck whoever I want to fuck, are you flaunting you are big brother? I'll fuck your mother, fuck your mother! He said and stared at his cousin with wide red eyes.

His cousin cussed "Fuck you!" and grabbed the cell phone on the table and threw it against Chief Zhang's face. A policeman sitting beside Chief Zhang stood up try to block, but Chief Zhang had already fallen to the ground, when he got up with a gun in his hand, pointing at his cousin, cursing, "I'll shoot you, you mother fucker!" When he was loading,the policeman grabbed the gun and dragged him away from the table.

Later, Brother Kai invited Chief Zhang to a banquet at the Chaojiang Spring Cantonese Restaurant and gave him a golden Rolex.At the table, at the suggestion of one of the deputy director of Public security Bureau, Brother Kai invited Chief Zhang and his cousin to join him in a toast, neither of they two spoke after the drink.

One night, not long after, When Donnan Bei's cousin and a few friends went out of the bar, he just came face to face with Chief Zhang in civilian clothes. Cousin first greeted, Zhang said, "Brother Tiger, welcome to my area, have a drink?"

After seeing off his friends, Donnan Bei's cousin and Kwong went back to the bar with Chief Zhang, who sat down and shouted at the counter, "Open a bottle of 'Louis XIII'! The barman said, "Sorry, Chief Zhang, 'Louis XIII' were sold out, how about 'XO'?"

"Mother fucker! you have to have it. Can Brother Tiger drink 'XO'?" Chief Zhang said, banging on the table.

Donnan Bei's cousin gestured to Kwong to take a bottle from the car, which he opened and handed to Cousin, and asked the waiter to serve some glasses and a bucket of ice. When Cousin was ready to take Zhang's glass and pour it, Zhang held out a hand to cover the glass and said, "I can't afford it, Brother Tiger is so powerful, who dares?"

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