After School...

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I managed to catch up to Zander once we were both standing at the entrance.

 I stopped there to text my dad to see if he was able to pick me up or if I had to walk home.

/hey dad/

/... guess what?/

\oh! Hi Hails\


/Detention got cancelled..../

/Do you think you'll be able to pick me up?/

\Yes! Wait for me, I actually want to talk to you about something\


/What about?/

\It'll be better to tell you in person Hailey...\

/Oh come on!/

/Don't leave me waiting lol/

\It 's important!, and I want to tell you, not my phone\

/it's okay, don't drive and text, old man/


\See you in a min.\

I raised my head from my phone and saw that Zander had brought his too, and was answering a call...

I couldn't help but notice that his phone was exactly like one I had a few years ago, the first phone that I ever got.

I remembered having complained so much to my dad that that thing wasn't even a phone, and that it couldn't do anything 'cool'. He just wanted me to have one so we could be in more contact, and for me to take responsibility for something, since I was growing older... But I couldn't see that back then.

We argued about it and I remember how angry I got at him. It seemed so wrong that I really thought that I hated him at that time. I obviously regretted it afterwards, and told myself that my dad did his best to raise me on his own before going to apologize to him...

It's crazy how much one look at a phone brought to my mind, but I stopped zoning out when I heard Zander yelling to whoever was on the other side of the line. He was far away from me and facing the other way, so I could only hear his voice.

"AGAIN?" He sounded really angry and he paused for a small second.

"Why?" He spat with frustration.


"¡NO! I don't" he seemed kinda disgusted.


"But I-" he was cut off.


"UGH! I HATE YOU!" He started losing it and yelling.

"YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT" I got really startled at his angry voice.


"OH YEAH? WELL DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE THERE" at this point, even I was getting a little offended!



And he hung up. 

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