Chapter Three

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Once Upon a Time in the Enchanted Forest. . . .

"I have returned!!!" 

"SHHHHHHH!!" You turn round with a glare, as you put baby Grace down for her nap. Jefferson watches lovingly but takes a few steps back in fear and surprise as after tucking her in and closing the drapes that create her room in your small hut you march him outside. 

"It's wonderful to see you too darling" he jests as you get outside into the open. But his face soon drops into one of mild pain as you start slapping him with each word. 


"Ow, ow OW. . . " he moves away almost falling backwards before wincing in an 'oopise' way "I got into a bit of trouble. . ." he says with the same face on, earning another slap from you. 

"Of course you bloody did!!" you frown "You said you wouldn't do anything dangerous anymore. . ." your anger lets way to warm tears. . . "I was so worried about you!!" 

"Hey, hey . . . " he comes over, a little cautiously at first and then slowly engulfs you in a hug, you eventually wrap your arms around him too. 

"You said you'd slow down . . ." you mumble into his coat. 

"I know but, this is our life. . . it's all I can do. . ." he say rubbing your back. 

"It was our life Jeff, but she is our life now. . ." You lift your head up still in his arms. 

"I want to give her the best . . ." he says sadly looking at the hut "we should be living somewhere grand . . ." 

"Jefferson, my love. . ." you hold his cheek and he looks at you "Anywhere with you is grand . . ." 

"I just want you and Grace to have the world, a Princess shouldn't be lining like that, my wife, shouldn't be living like this . . . on the run . . . poor . . . " 

"We're not poor Jeff" you roll your eyes, we have magic and we have each other, and thats all we need. Is this not enough for you anymore?" You grow concerned. 

"What?? No of course it is . . . I just. . ." 

"I'm not making you give up the Hat, I'm just asking you be careful, if not for me then for your daughter. . . " 

"I'll be more careful, I promise . . . In fact . . . I have one more place to go and then. . . I might take some time off. . . enjoy life. . . I never felt lonely portaling before but after you . . . it's not so fun alone." 

"I want you to be happy,  but I want you to see your daughter grow up . . . thats all." 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" 

"You could always tell me again . . " you tease back. 

"I love you" 

"I love you too Jefferson Hatter. . ." you smile up at him as he kisses you deeply before pulling out a red rose. 

"You remembered?" 

"Of course I did, I always do." His heart beats with pride as he sees how happy you are. "You know, if we end up poor because I stop the hat thing. . . I won't be able to afford the red ones . . ." he muses playfully.

"Then you shall have to buy the white ones and paint them . . ." you say back equally as playfully. 

"You're a little bit nuts, you know that?" He says gently showering you with little kisses until you laugh heartily. 

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