Chapter 2: Dark Pearl

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We had just finished the meeting. I wasn't too happy with this. In fact, I hated it. This isn't fair! The humans don't have the technology or strength to fight back! Pearl1 passed by and gave me her snotty smile, although we are all pearls there was just a small detail we all had that was different and hers was what most gems say an improvement but for me it reminded me why I hated her the most. She had a slightly pink shade instead of white. Why did I hate her? I wasn't jelous I'll tell you that. It reminded me of dark pearl.

She had a black pearl which I thought was the most beautiful gem anyone in Homeworld had. She was actually the first one created and after her I came. She was my best friend and I only knew her for a day. The creator had called her defective. She knew the answers to the questions yet she spoke her mind. "Who is our leader?" she responded "I am my own leader" "What is your purpose?" Dark responded "To help the helpless and to save lifes" The creator had decided to destroy her at the end of day. When it came to me creator called me a mistake but she gave me a chance. I spent all day with Dark. She told me so much of what she wanted for our planet but that no one would listen to her but me. It was her time. Another gem took her to a room and I never saw her again.

By then 500 pearls were made. And this was the part I hated the most. A pearl had a pink shade for her gem instead of white was created right after me but yet she was allowed to continue because she was special . They thought dark was the enemy yet she was more special than pearl1. Pearl1 didn't even deserve that name! Even I was created first than her.

I blanked out. I hadn't realized this but I was just standing there. It was our break which means we could roam around but I usually stayed in the machinery room. No one was there. In my mind I could hear soft music playing and my feet had just started taking a few steps into a dance. Dancing really calmed my nerves but I couldn't stop thinking of the innocent people on Earth. I would be a cause to their doom. I didn't want to but... what other choice did I have?

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