Chapter 15: Message From The Wailing Stone

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Everything is going well. The sword training is getting better each day, Amethyst is getting easier to handle, and there are no problems. Well except for one tiny little thing.But before I get to that "tiny" problem, I'll start from the beginning.

A gem had brought with her a wailing stone. It was a device gems used to communicate with far away gems. Everyday Rose checked it to see if Diamond was trying to communicate and today we finally got something. Diamonds words were serious but her voice sounded as if she was having fun. "I hope your ready Rose Quartz. You still have a chance to come back you know." I was next to Rose and I saw her clench her fists. "We will never come back. Earth is what we defend now!" she said it with such bravery. "You pathetic and worthless gems," Diamond gave a small laugh after insulting all of us "Do you really think you all have a chance against me? I have all my armies ready to go. It's you who I am waiting for. You can't play a game without other players you know."

I can't believe what is happening right now. I knew we were going to fight our homeworld but I didn't think so soon! We are not prepared! Rose was about to speak until a new voice was heard from the wailing stone. "Can I join the game? Seems to be worth while." I have never heard that voice but Garnet seemed to know. Across the room she had the angriest face out of all. Hearing that gems voice made her grit her teeth.

"You stay out of this! This has no concern to you!" Diamond shouted at the voice. "Oh come on now sister. Three players is better than 2. Let's make the game a bit more interesting."

Rose stayed silent and so did all the other gems. The only ones who were talking was Diamond and one of her sisters. I wasn't sure which one it was. "This is my war Blue!" Okay so it's Blue diamond who was speaking. "But I haven't had a war for thousands of years! And let's just hope Yellow doesn't find out about this." Blue Diamond whispered. "Enough!" Diamond shouted. It made me jump back. Amethyst groan "Can you guys just finish and tell us what's gonna happen?" I looked down at Amethyst and covered her mouth. "The twerp is right. Just get on with it, Whitey."

"I told you not to call me that!" Diamond shouted. She never allowed us to call her White Diamond. It was just Diamond. "Rose be prepared. Announce when you are ready for battle and we will choose our setting some place on Earth." Diamond finished talking. "Well bye bye then!" Blue Diamond also finished saying. Rose stood in silence. I looked up at her waiting for her to say something.

"If anyone needs me I'll be at my room." Rose said and she walked to the temples door, opened it, and entered. All the other gems stood in silence.

The gems spreaded out into groups again like how they always were one began there conversations. I grabbed Amethysts hand. "Let's go find Garnet." I told her. We passed through small crowds trying to look for her and in the way I can here what some gems were saying. "This is going to be awful", "I trust Rose to lead us to victory.", and "We are done for."

I looked at Amethyst and saw sadness in her face. She looked worried and she held my hand tighter. "Where's Garnet?" she asked. "Im not sure. Help me find her." I said looking around to see if she was near. "How? Im small and I can't see anything but legs!" I sighed. I grabbed her and lifted her up. I put her on my shoulders and she had her hands on my head. "Woah. So this is what you see. I wonder how much Garnet can." I continued to look for her. I tried to look up at her. "Hey if your going to be on my shoulders you have to help look. Im not doing this for your amusement." She lifted her hand and covered her eyes from the sun. "Come on how hard is it to find a gem that big?"

I was about to tell her something but we heard a very loud shout. "Over there!" Amethyst said pointing to the left side of the beach. I ran towards to where we heard the shout. It was Ruby and Sapphire.

"Hey I've never seen you here before." Amethyst said and pointed at Ruby. "Ugh! Great! Now Amethyst knows!" Ruby shouted again and continued to pace back and forth. Amethyst jumped down and looked at Ruby. "I only got one question for you," there was a moment of silence.

"Have you seen a really tall gem? Glasses, big hair kinda like yours?" I facepalmed my gem. I looked at Sapphire knowing that she was the calm one. She nodded her head knowing that I wanted her to explain to Amethyst about them. While Sapphire was talking to Amethyst, I was making sure Ruby let out all her anger.

"Blue Diamond is the worst! She does wars for fun! She makes gems fuse with eachother to make them stronger. FUSION ISN'T SOMETHING YOU FORCE OTHER GEMS TO DO FOR WAR! ITS ABOUT TRUST!" I held my head. Ruby was giving me headache's. I have no idea how Sapphire can calm her down. "I completely agree with you." I said trying to sound helpful. "Have you ever fused?!" she asked in a loud voice. "Uh- Well I..." I turned to Sapphire who finished talking with Amethyst. "Um...Oh! Amethyst! So do you understand now?" I said avoiding Ruby's question.

"Yeah I get it now." Amethyst smiled. "Ruby I think we should fuse now. No need for other gems to know about Blue Diamond." Ruby stomped towards Sapphire leaving small shards of glass she created with her steps. They grabbed hands and Sapphire gave Ruby a small kiss on the cheek and before they started morphing together I saw Ruby smile slightly. The fused and standing in front of us was Garnet.

"So... Anyone up for fetch?" Amethyst asked looking at Garnet and I. Garnet shrugged, "Okay." "I'll come with." I said. "Not like I have anything better to do." We started walking back to the temple. Amethyst laughed, "You could worry about those Diamonds and what they are going to plan for their attack." she said it with sarcasm. I was going to tell her that this is serious but I didn't...

I just don't want her to worry about any of this. Its better off that she takes it as a joke. I haven't even explained what she was made for and I hope I won't have to tell her any time soon.


Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im trying to make as many chapters as I can before school. I have been very busy lately with things and Monday is the only day when I have time to write new chapters. Once I enter school I'll try to make new chapters on Saturdays.

If you guys have any questions, ask away! Im glad you guys like my story. <3

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