Chapter 11: Creating My Room

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We explain to the human we were new to their customs. The man who had spoken with with Rose Quartz told the man about us, that we were from space and another planet. Well, I was anyways. I suppose sneaking off was a learning experience for both Amethyst and I.

It was time for us to go back. We walked towards our side again and right when we turned the corner Garnet was standing there with her arms crossed. I froze when I saw her and Amethyst, who wasn't paying attention, bumped into me. Amethyst looked up at Garnet and hugged my leg. "Busted..." she whispered. "Garnet we were just-" She held up her hand. "I know you two were going to the humans side."

"You can't prove anything!" Amethyst shouted. I covered her mouth not wanting other gems to see us. "You weren't really sneaky about it, either. You are hardly ever here and whenever I see you, you are coming from this side of the beach." I looked at Garnet blushing. "Does Rose know?" I asked hoping the answer was no. Garnet nodded.

"But don't worry about it, Pearl. Rose has been doing it too." she gave a soft smile. I haven't seen Garnet smile in a while. She always keeps a straight face. "She has?" I asked surprise that she would do the same. Amethyst took my hand off her mouth and spoke. "She did?"

"Rose wanted to get to know our neighbors. We are going to stay here for a long time so might as well start right." Garnet started to walk away until she turned around. "Oh, and Pearl."

"Yes, Garnet?" I asked wondering what else she had to say. Garnet smiled a bit wider "Go to your room."

My room? But I don't have a- Wait. "Oh no, I forgot!" I ran towards the temple making Amethyst fall forward since she was laying against my leg. "Oh real nice! Leave the pest by herself!" I stopped when I got to Garnet. "Garnet can you please take care o-" She cut me off. "Yes. Just go." Garnet looked at Amethyst with the serious face she always had. I started to run again and from the distance I could hear Amethyst shout "Don't leave me here with her!" I ignored her knowing Garnet knew what she was doing. I finally got the temple and saw gems were just talking to one another. When I got to the door it opened in a rose shaped. I took a step back when I saw the light. Rose stepped out and she yelped. "Oh Pearl! You startled me!"

"I-I'm sorry Rose. I was just here to create my room." I explained. "Well I'll leave you to it then." She said giving me a kind smile. She walked towards a group of gems were discussing about well, things. I looked at the star and stared at all the colors. Each one had it's own room. I found the white circle and opened the room. When the door opened it wasn't much of a room inside. It was just black. When I took a step in the door closed behind me. I made my gem glow to create some light for me to see. Well there wasn't much to see, yet anyways. I closed my eyes and the first thing that came to my mind was water. I opened my eyes and saw a just a large body of water. "Wait! That wasn't what I wanted!"

I sighed. "Well I guess this will do. Seems a bit empty still." I looked around. My gem glowed as I put out my hand and pointed at the center of the water. I quickly pointed up and a pillar of water raised from the center. I did the same thing for the left and right side of the room.

Around the water was still darkness. I walked onto the water. I slowly sank down but then the water raised me to the center pillar. I looked at the darkness that surrounded me. I closed my eyes again and I could feel my gem glowing. I took a few steps into a dance. The water seemed to have its own music I didn't have to think of a rhythm. I started to end my dance with a long twirl. I stopped with a foot out and my arms raised. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the darkness was gone and was replace with a gorgeous light blue color. I looked around and smiled.

My room was almost perfect, it just needed one more detail. I looked at the back. My gem continued to glow and I swiped my hand across the air. Light colored ribbons were placed at the back. Now my room was perfect. Perfect for me.

I jumped down from my spot. I walked towards to where I had entered. A spot opened up and I walked out. It was already night time. A gem was going towards the door and I stepped aside. I walked outside to find where Amethyst and Garnet were at. "Look out!"

"Amethy-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say. A stick hit me at the back of my head. I turned around to see Amethyst charging towards me. "Amethyst what are you- Ah!" Amethyst bumped into me knocking us towards the ground. I stood up and picked up amethyst. "What were you doing?"

She gave me an inoccent smile. "Playing fetch with Garnet." I turned around to see Garnet walking towards me. "You distracted her by throwing sticks and making her bring them back to you?" I asked looking at Garnet. She shrug "Yeah, that's about it." I set down Amethyst.

Why hadn't I thought of that?

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