Chapter 3: Rose Quartz

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I couldn't concentrate. So many innocent people were going to be destroyed just so diamond can be better than her siblings. There were 3 diamonds and each one had its own way of ruling so they had separated.
I kept making mistakes when building. "Hey Baroque!" I heard a pearl shout. "You better step up your builds unless you want creator to crush you just like DarkPearl!" I knew who it was. Pearl24. She had a slightly deeper voice than mine and had a shorter nose. "I have been doing my work. I already made 50 of these gem destabilzer." I told her trying not to say a word about Dark. "Well you better hurry. Each one of us has to make atleast 100 and times almost up" I looked at the large clock floating in the center of the room. She was right. Pearl24 had finished so she laid back in her chair but I had only gone half way. Focusing on the build I didn't realize everyone running outside. I stood up and fallowed.

Outside of Diamonds tower, there stood Diamond and another gem with big pink curly hair and a gem on her stomach. "This isn't right! You didn't' attack Earth last time because you were compassionate. Where did it go? You use to care but all you care about now is becoming greater than your sisters." I was scared. That gem was going to get herself killed. "If you don't like it then you could just go down there and join those pathetic humans!" Diamond said gritting her teeth. "Im going to Earth to protect humans from you and your sisters! I have a heart." The pink haired gem turned around to look at all who had witnessed this. "I am Rose Quartz! If anyone else has a heart, then join me and save Earth!" It gone silent.

"I will." said another gem at the back and raised his hand. "I will too!" another one shouted raising her hand as well. Many raised their hands. Almost half of the gems in Homeworld did. Diamond looked furious. I really wanted to join but what good was I? How could I help?

It didn't matter. I wasn't going to stay here. I raised my hand. "I will!" All the pearls and other gems looked at me. I walked up to Rose Quartz and knelled. "Pearl at your service." The gem smiled and put out her hand. I grabbed her hand as she lifted me up. "Anyone else?" said Diamond crossing her arms. "Count us in" said a voice. Out came a fusion wearing glasses and had two gems, one in each hand. "Welcome to the team." said Rose. I shook my head and the fusion smiled. "Leave now. Take the pods and get out my sight." said Diamond angrily.

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