Chapter 12: The Gem Monster

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Garnet, Amethyst, and I were relaxing. And when I say that I mean I was laying against the hill side while Garnet played fetch with Amethyst. "Hey Pearl! You wanna play fetch with me! Garnet throws the stick and me and you try to catch it!"

I looked at Amethyst "It's not me and you. It's you and I." Amethyst gave me a large smile. "So you do want to play!" I rolled my eyes. "I was correcting y- No I don't want to catch a stick!" "Aww come on! It's fun!" she said and catched the stick. "I'm not going to walk on forearms like an animal."

Amethyst brought the stick back to Garnet. "What's an animal?" Garnet sighed "Here we go." I sighed as well. "Animals are creatures that live on Earth. Most of them are harmless." I could hear the warp pad. Amethyst looked at it to see who was warping. "Is that an animal?" she asked. Before I could turn around I heard screaming.

"Gem monster!" I heard gems shout. I turned around and saw a giant greenish gem monster. It's gem was placed on its chest. I didn't know what to do. Garnet summoned her gauntlets and rushed towards the monster. "Pearl! Keep Amethyst safe!" I heard her shout before landing a hit on the monsters head.

I grabbed Amethyst and ran. "Not an animal! Not an animal!" We hid behind a large boulder. Amethyst and I peeked from the side to see the fight. Most gems ran towards the farther let side of the beach while a few others stayed to fight the gem monster. Garnet, Rose, and two other gems stayed. Garnet was punching the head to weaken it. Another gem summon his weapon that looked like a large blade and jabbed it on the monsters back. The monster pulled it out and threw it. It jumped into the air, about 15ft, and was trying to smash the gems below.

"Everyone get down!" Rose shouted as she summon her large shield. She covered the others with her shield as the monster landed on her weapon. Rose pushed the shield up and threw the monster near the water. Garnet ran towards it and grabbed its head while Rose rammed it with her shield making it fall back. The bigger they are the harder they fall worked in this case. The impact of the fall was strong enough for the monster to "poof".

The other gems came back but Amethyst and I still hid behind the large rock. Rose picked up the green gem and bubbled it. I haven't seen a gem bubble another gem in such a long time. Everyone would always behave back in Honeworld. "Can we go now?" Amethyst asked. I nodded and stood up. We walked towards the crowd. I held Amethysts hand still frightened from the short battle. Rose saw us and walked towards us. "Thank you very much Pearl for keeping Amethyst safe." The crowd vanished as everyone dispersed. "Im only doing what you asighn me." I said smiling. I let go of Amethysts hand. Rose picked her up and smiled sweetly. "Where did that gem come from?" I asked having many question to ask. "Well, while gems were finishing of the warp pad in the kindergarten, they didn't realise that we had missed a gem. They tried to warp back here but accidental brought the gem with them."

She looked at Amethyst. "Good thing we didn't miss you, huh?" she said tickling Amethysts tummy. Amethysts smiled. Rose was just so kind and caring for others. It really did warm my heart. Rose set down Amethyst and she ran towards to play again with Garnet. Rose looked at me. "Pearl, you did a good job at protecting Amethyst, but the time will come were you have to attack to protect."

I looked down at my feet. She was talking about my weapon. I was about to confess that I didn't know how to summon it until she offered me something. "Pearl, how would you like to learn how to sword fight?" My heart pounded. I was going to learn how to defend myself and others! I wasn't going to be a burden anymore! I can actually help!

I blushed slightly and looked up at Rose. "What do you say?" she asked smiling sweetly as she extended her hand. I grabbed her hand and looked up at her.


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