Chapter 9: Teaching Amethyst

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I'm starting to get a tad bit frustrated. Amethyst has too many questions on her mind and she is running out of sticks. I still have to watch her so she will no cause any harm to herself and the base. Rose Quartz knows very well what the parasites are capable of. For some reason though, Amethyst was just different. She was smarter than the average parasite. She knew how to talk, she had feelings, she had her own thoughts and opinions on things. A normal parasite would just be prone to start destruction with the other parasites.

I wouldn't consider Amethyst a parasite. "Hey Pearl! What are sticks made of? Can you make some more? I think I broke them all." I consider her a pain.
"Sticks are made of wood." I responded laying against the steep side of the hill. Amethyst threw the last piece of stick she had. "And where does wood come from?"

"Wood comes from trees." I responded sounding annoyed. "What's a tree?" "How many more questions are you going to-" I stopped and put a hand over my gem. "I suppose the only way you would be satisfied is by showing you one." Amethyst seemed to like the idea. She jumped up with excitement. "Yay! Im gonna see a tree!" she shouted so all the gems could hear. Rose Quartz heard her from a far and walked towards us. "I'm happy to see you excited about nature, Amethyst." she said with a smile.

Amethyst grabbed my hand. "Pearl is going to take me to see one!" Rose gave a small laugh. "Well alright. Just don't go too far." I nodded. "I assure you we won't." I said starting to walk towards the left side of the beach. "Have fun!" I heard her say. "So what does a tree look like?" asked Amethyst. "You'll know when we find one." I responded. "Find one? How long is that going to take?" I continued to walk and ignored her question. I was trying find grass because I doubt we would find a tree growing from the sand. In the distance, I saw a large patch of grass. Amethyst saw it too. "Is that a tree? It doesn't look woody."

"That's because it's not a tree. It's grass." I said letting go of her hand. She started running towards it and began to roll around in it. She laughed with joy. Once I got to it I didn't see a tree anywhere and the patch began to come to an end. I turned to look at Amethyst when I saw a small sapling sprouting. "Amethyst wait! Stop rolling!"

For once she followed what I said and stood up smiling with grass blood all over her clothes, hair, and skin. "What?" I pointed to the small sapling and knelled. Amethyst laid down putting her arms under her chin and looked at the sapling. "This is a sampling. It sprouted from a seed and with love and care, it can grow into a beautiful tree." I explained making hand gestures. "So it's like a baby tree." she said. "I suppose you could call it that."

"A baby can't live on it's own!" she said sounding sorry for the sapling. "Amethyst, saplings don't need help to grow. It's all in nature. In time it will become a tree." I stood up. "But you said with love and care it could grow into a tree!" she stated. "Well yes but not all saplings need help. There are many trees around this planet that had grown by itself. Now come on, we should be heading back." "What if someone steps on it?" she asked still not moving from her position. "No one walks by he-" I stopped my sentence knowing she would not give this up. "Fine. If you want to take care of it, then do so."

"But I dont know how." Oh my goodness! "Okay then! We will take care of it. I'll show you how. Now can we please go back." Amethyst smiled and stood up. I grabbed her hand and we headed back to the base.

I looked at the temple's door. The star in the center was filled with smaller gems resembling the ones the others had. "Glad you two came. You and Amethyst need to make your rooms." Garnet said putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at her. "Can I just relax for a while?" I asked sounding exhausted. "Amethyst kept asking questions?" I nodded. "Didn't stop talking?"
I laid against the wall with my arms crossed. "Not even for a second. I'll create my room later." I said giving a sigh at the end. Amethyst may be a pain but she is a part of our team. I'm sure I will get used to her. Right?

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