Chapter 5

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3rd Person

The hunters and Percy settled down for lunch at a meadow near a clear stream. It was the perfect place for a picnic. But they weren't there for a picnic. The hunters stood in line for their lunch in front of Percy, who lazily flicked his hand and food magically appeared. Percy himself usually skipped meals because after Tarturus his stomach couldn't handle much food. After finishing his job as a caterer, he transformed into the eagle and took a long flight across the clear sky. Phoebe watched him spiralling around the sky and smirked to herself, just wait, you pathetic male. You're going to quit your stupid job as a worthless hunter after what I do to you. She turned and gave an unreadable look at Atlanta who gulped before turning back and running inside her tent. Phoebe smirked and decided to put Phase 1 into action. She walked over to Thalia who was busy cleaning her arrows. Phoebe cleared throat, "Um...Lieutenant something delicate has happened that needs your attention." Thalia looked up, her electric eyes narrowing in suspicion. She got up and dusted lint off her parka. Phoebe walked over to the secluded spot, knowing that Thalia was following. "so what did you want to- Atlanta!" Thalia runs forward, drops to her knees and gently wraps her arms around the shivering girl's frame. Atlanta is a mess. Her silver attire is torn and ragged, her hair tangled with leaves, easily replicating a rat's nest, tears stream down her face in rivers, her face is pale. Scratches decorate her hands and Phoebe decides that Atlanta definitely deserves an Oscar. "Who did this to you?!" Thalia demands. Her eyes are a little bluer than usual, glinting dangerously in the afternoon sun. Phoebe plasters a look of fake sympathy as she stalks over to Thalia. "If I may, Lieutenant, this might come as a shock to but it was your cousin." Phoebe drawled.

"What?! Percy would never! How dare you, Phoebe!" Thalia exploded
"Then why don't you ask the victim herself, Lieutenant?" Phoebe asked, raising an eyebrow. Thalia turned to Atlanta and gently prodded her to tell. "H-he came out of n-nowhere." Atlanta started, a fresh stream of tears running down her face, "I to-told h-him that I wouldn't break my oath for a male a-and he couldn't accept it a-and he did th-this to m-me".

"Who was it Atlanta ?" Thalia asked
"Your cousin, Perseus Jackson" and Atlanta buried her face  in Thalia's shoulder.

Phoebe smirked, before schooling her expression back to the sad face when Thalia turned to her, a murderous expression etched on her face, "Where. Is. He.?"
"Hey, Thals-what happened to her?!" Percy's voice sounded clear and concerned. The silver clad duo turned to him, expressions reading Death. " You disgusting pig! I hate you! How could you! I thought you were different! I can see why Annaneth left you" Thalia yelled. Percy's face morphed into an expression filled with confusion before stopping on hurt. " know me. I would never do something like that." He said quietly. Thalia stalked over to him and punched him in the gut. Percy's body folded, his features  pulling into a grimace. "I thought I did. Your not my cousin." Thalia spat, venom dripping from her words. Percy's face turned pleading, "Thals...please just listen to me...". This time Thalia swung her fist to meet his nose and sickening crack was heard. Blood gushed from the wound and Percy brought up his hand to wipe it, smearing it all over his face. "Don't call me that. Only my family can call me that. Your not my family. Just leave. Don't ever come back. We don't need a guardian." Thalia said. She sounded somewhat sad now. Percy straightened up, his eyes turning cold, "Fine. I'll go". And with that he disappeared into the woods.

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