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It was completely silent in the library, which gave me full access to find a similar book to what was stolen from me. But then again it was pretty late, and I was sure that Madam Pince had left. This place was practically my second dorm, so she trusted me to lock it up once I was done. I was having trouble sleeping. It seemed that every time I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but picture a much greyer pair that could stare into my very soul.

My head whipped around to peer into the darkness, as I thought I heard a noise coming from the shadows. I gently shut the book before standing up, gazing back and forth in the area. "Hello?"

I set my book on the table beside my lantern before cautiously walking down the aisle, piling up my wand that was laying inside my pocket. "Lumos."

A fleeting thought passed my mind after searching around the library. Not a single trace of a person. I shrugged deeply and walked back to my table to get my book– only to find it missing. My brows furrowed in confusion. I didn't remember putting it back on the shelf.

"Missing something?"

I spun around to face Malfoy who was leaning against the bookshelf behind me, my book gripped tightly in his hand. My eyes narrowed, frustrated by his presence. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

His only reply was a shrug before he flipped through the pages of the book. "You are still looking for garbage, I see." He chided.

"If you think it's such rubbish then why don't you give back my original book?" I snapped before turning completely to him.

Draco drifted his eyes back up to me. "Simply trying to pick your brain a bit, get a feel for you so to speak. We never fully talked before."

Well," I spoke sharply with my arms crossed against my chest. "That's too bad. I'm not interested in getting to know you anymore."

He chuckled darkly. "You are a tosser, I see. I might've been caught up taunting Potter and his friends, but I never noticed you."

My eyes sank into his ocean eyes. Something made me nervous the way he looked at me. "Well, that's good. I use to be invincible around here, and I prefer that way."

Draco gradually raked over my figure. He drawled a smirk and tucked my second book into his pocket, once again. "Belrose.... Melanie... Sounds familiar. Did you use to wear glasses?"

I swallowed hard before firmly nodding in his direction. He burst into laughter, but it was nowhere near being fun. My face turned scarlet, utterly ashamed. "Of course, now I remember you! You always sat in the back of the class with your fussy hair. Merlin, you look very different now."

"Give it back, Malfoy. I don't want to play any games with you." I sighed before holding my other hand out.

Once his laugh came to an end, his eyes suddenly darkened. "A game? Do you think I'd participate in something as completely juvenile as a game? Over you? no less." He hissed as he began to walk toward me.

I clenched my wand tighter, wrapped around my fingers as I backed to the other side of the table. My eyes were on him the entire time. Suddenly, my back connected with a bookshelf, and I found myself sliding along it, away from him. My thoughts were restless and perturbed, it was like a stab of fear.

"I don't participate in such childish games, Mudblood." He sneered.

In one stride he was upon me, shoving my book into my hands while also pinning me against the bookshelf with his body. I tried to wriggle my hands from in between our bodies, but he simply shoved me into the bookshelf even more. My eyes grew wide as he leaned down until his nose was barely brushing against mine.

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