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The corridor was pretty empty this early morning. I wandered foot to foot, spending my last minutes thinking about yesterday night while heading to the dungeon for Severus Snape's classroom. The incident outside of the Room of Requirement the other night had definitely shaken me, there was no point in even lying to myself about that. If I had to find a solution to this, it would be difficult enough to find one.

I finally made my way down to the door leading into the classroom, and suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. My eyes shifted, and it was no other than Draco. His expression was set as he grabbed my wrist instead, observing the bruises that eventually turned blue from yesterday.

"Does it hurt?" He asked with a sudden sharp tone. "Answer me."

My head jerked from side to side. "No... Why do you care?"

Draco didn't answer back, instead, he was too busy studying my arm. "Do you want me to cast a spell?"

I gently pulled my hand away. "No. I'm fine. Just stay away from me."

His piercing eyes landed back on mine. "Have you gone mad, Belrose? Let me fix it—"

"—Why do you care?" I snapped back. My expression narrowed at him.

He blew a whoosh of air. His frustration was written on his face. "I don't care, Belrose. But you can't walk with that. You are probably going to Dumbledore about what happened, so I don't want any part of this."

I took a deep breath, sighing miserably right after. "That wasn't part of my plan, Malfoy. Can you just leave me alone? I have to go to class."

"Which one?" He cocked an eyebrow, still raking back and forth on my bruise until I folded my sleeve down.

"Potion class."

He gave a quick nod and began pulling me with him. "Good. Let's go, then."

I stumbled back, to which he came to a halt and glared at me. "I rather go inside without you."

Draco chuckled darkly. His voice was sharp now. "Is this because of your boyfriend, Potter?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I gave him a sharp look. "And it wouldn't look suitable walking with you, not to mention you broke my wrist."

"Broke? I think that's a bit melodramatic, don't you?" He incredulously asked.

My eyes widened as I opened and closed my mouth. Draco conceited a smug before taking another step toward me, one I did not mimic. His smirk only seemed to grow as I stood my ground.

He crossed his arms, staring with those piercing eyes. "You deliberately lying to yourself, Belrose–"

"–You? Again?" The sound of Ron's voice snapped both of our attention. "Are you trying on Melanie, now?"

My stomach flipped when Draco's eyes were two disgruntled black points, his fists balling up to his sides. "Of course, it's the gingerbread. Don't you have somebody to chase around like a dirty hippogriff?"

"If you are talking about Hermione, screw you," Ron snarled as he flickered past him to me. "And what are you doing out here? Come on, then! We have class!"

I quickly walked up to him and left Draco by himself. My eyes turned to take another glance at the blonde-haired boy who seemed to get angrier at any second. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.

"You have gone mad if you trying to be friends with him," Ron hissed before finding his desk near Hermione and me. Harry anchored his attention on us in an instant. "Why is Malfoy everywhere you go?"

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