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The empty corridors near the tower, located around the Dumbledore's office; were quite nerve-wracking. I stood near the eagle sculpture, repeatedly stepping my foot on the concrete floor while waiting on the announcement from the blonde-haired boy.

It was difficult to comprehend Draco's motive. He had a pattern of endangering me, putting fear in my soul. But how awful as it sounds, Malfoy did care. Something underneath those hardcore layers of concrete walls, his emotions were wailing to be acknowledged.

I perked up and pushed myself closer to the Griffin as it began to shift. It has almost been an hour since he was there.

His tall figure with the black-suited outfit came to my notice as he walked down the treads. My expression was worrying, almost filled with curiosity.

"What did he say?"

Draco shoved his hands in his pockets with an unreadable look, carelessly strolling down the hallway. I began following him from behind. "It's taken care of, Melanie."

My heels paced up to him, dismissing the sounds they made. "What does that mean?"

Draco shook his head, signalling for me to drop it. However, I huffed before grabbing his arm, bringing him to a halt. "What exactly did you both talk about?"

He blew a whoosh of air, staring into my soul with those piercing eyes. "You are very noisy, do you know that?"

"Draco, please." I began pleading.

His eyes didn't leave my face, somehow searching for the right way to approach me. "There's a broken vanishing cabinet in the Room of Hidden Things. I've been fixing it because it has a twin in Borgin and Burkes."

My eyes widened as I put together the pieces of what he was telling me. There was only one way to explain this. "You're helping Voldemort to.."

"Professor Dumbledore instructed that I continue to fix the cabinet as planned. The night I let the death eaters into the castle there will be an ambush waiting for them in the Room of Hidden Things. I'm supposed to notify Dumbledore the day before." He explained with a deep tone.

I blinked briefly, gathering my thoughts before replying to him. "You were going to let them in the school?"

Draco took a deep breath, gently grabbing me by my shoulders. His expression were still stone-cold. "You can't tell anyone, especially Potter. Professor Dumbledore made it clear that he isn't to know."

I nodded a bit, yet sceptical. "Are you... Lying?"

He sent me a sideways smirk and began walking down the path. "The orders are taking care of it. Everything will go exactly as it should."

I tried my best to focus on my studies; but I couldn't get over what I had recently learned a few nights ago. Nor could my mind get past Hermione's behaviour. She's been awfully quiet around me. However, it didn't come as a surprise. Something told me it was because of Draco. While Ginny was able to play along, her behaviour didn't match our friend.

She had other opinions compared to her. Ginny believed it was a great idea, based on my knowledge of how Malfoy had been acting toward me lately. But Harry and Ron still had no idea; although it was a matter of time until the truth is revealed.

I shut my eyes briefly, brushing off those thoughts that ran through my head all at once. Ginny sat across from me in the library, skimming through the book.

"Have you thought about what to do with Harry, Melanie?" She suddenly asked as she peeked up.

A shrug parted my lips, seemingly back to my mind once again. "No, I'm not sure how. But they must know. I don't want Draco or anyone to tell the truth."

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