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Blaise practically breathed fire as he let out a frustrated sigh while Theodore simply ran his hand through his jet-black hair and glanced up at the gloaming sky. Somehow, his surprise was near the forbidden woods while wandering behind the two boys. They both seemed to be frustrated while mumbling back and forth, quiet at that. It was mostly Theodore who continuously whispered back and forth to his fellow Slytherin.

The forbidden woods was exactly how I remembered. Trees are huge enough to hide the beautiful glowing stars resting in the atmosphere, creaking sounds transferring in every corner of the area and the gloomy palpitation coming from the dirt. Something felt very nerve-wracking to be around here out of all places.

The last time I was here, Harry and I encountered a dementor while looking for Ron. He ended up running into the wood because of an argument with Hermione. Still, Potter and I didn't know what exactly it was about—but it wasn't hard enough to discover their liking toward each other, although it was a bit early to tell during that time.

My feet came to a halt once the wind was blowing vigorously out of the woods. It was a moment of hesitation to walk inside, meanwhile, Blaise and Theodore didn't seem to be nervous as much.

Blaise quickly stopped with Theodore, gazing at me in suspicion. "What?"

With a start, I realized that they were not going in the direction of Hagrid's Hut. My eyebrows furrowed in fearful confusion as my heart began to speed up. I looked around, searching, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Come on," Theodore said softly, as he lift his left arm; signalling me to follow.

It was so sudden as I caught onto Blaise slowly shoving his wand up. To a quick reflect, my hand instantly grabbed mine.

"Protego!" My voice was shouting in fear as I dived to the left, blocking a curse from Blaise and dodging the one from Theodore. He managed to pile up his wand as well.

I rolled to my feet and shoved my hair away from my face as the two of them moved to opposite positions. They stared at one another for quite some time, waiting for someone to make a move—but with a flick of my wrist, Theodore's wand was in my hand and before he or Blaise knew it; I had stunned him.

My feet backed up while lifting my wand towards him. I stared at him in caution, clenching ever so tightly on the wooden rod. My heart was hammering through my chest; however, this wasn't the time to be afraid.

"Zabini." My voice was harsh, gaining up to my rapid breathing.

"Back to the last name, are we? I guess that's what happens when you try to kidnap someone." He mused with a cruel smirk.

I held my breath for a second, poking the tip of my wand underneath his chin. He groaned as followed. "Why? What is this for?"

Blaise's cruel grin grew. "Malfoy wants you. I don't mean a typical scheme or play but as his own property. I'm sure you notice his actions."

"What?" My eyes grew wide, suddenly realizing my hand was aimlessly holding the wand from his face. "What does that mean?"

He took a step further, shoving his wand back into the pocket. "As difficult as it may sound, he does have feelings for you whether he told you or not. You're not that thick to not notice it, are you?"

My eyes followed Blaise until I flickered past him as the Dark Mark appeared above the school, right above the Astronomy Tower. I blinked vigorously and shook my head in disbelief. My heart dropped, into complete emptiness.

"What's going on?" My voice was stuck in my throat. It was ranging between sorrow and confusion at once.

Blaise only seemed to be much more amused than before. "Dumbledore is dead."

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