Chapter 2

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"Hemopneumothorax is a combination of two medical conditions, pneumothorax and hemothorax. Pneumothorax, which is also known as a collapsed lung, happens when there is air outside the lung, in the space between the lung and the chest cavity. Hemothorax occurs when there is blood in that same space." I answered as my professor nodded with a wide smile on his face.

"Well done Miss Carter, I see you have been reading?" He asked as I nodded. That's a lie, I did no extra reading. "Now, what causes a hemopneumothorax?" He asked. Just as I was about to answer someone else shot their hand up and spoke.

"It is caused by a trauma or blunt injury to the chest. When the chest wall is injured, blood, air, or both can enter the thin fluid-filled space surrounding the lungs." Jessica answered as she shot me a harsh glare. Jeez.

These last two years Jessica has been the one person that has seen me as competition. Everyone else either keeps themselves to themselves, or they're friends. I've tried multiple times to break the ice between us, but it seems like she could care less. I'm not bothered though, it makes this course more fun.

"Correct. That's the end of our lecture, there will be a quiz tomorrow for preparation of mid terms. Have a nice day." He dismissed as everyone gathered their laptops and notebooks before rushing out the door.

Just as I stood up, Jessica walked over to me with a sickeningly sweet smile.

"I was thinking we could study together, my place." She said as I gave her a sceptical look.

"No thanks, I've already got my study group." I smiled as she narrowed her eyes at me before storming off. I really don't understand what is up her butt.

"Miss Carter, I'd like to have a word with you." Dr Evans, my professor, said as I walked over to his desk. "I wanted to speak to you about moving ahead a year." He said as my eyes immediately widened in surprise.

"An entire year?" I asked in shock. No way, I'm dreaming. There's no way he wants me to move up an entire year.

"First year you were always on top of things, I always thought maybe you did extra reading to get ahead, but I realised what teenager does extra reading for fun?" He chuckled. He's not wrong. "You're like every other teenager on this campus, but you're a lot smarter. Medicine is one of the hardest professions you can choose and you stay on top it all on your own." He smiled as he slid forward a sheet of paper.

"Just because I stay on top it doesn't mean I should skip a full year." I said in confusion. It's not like I'm missing a bit of algebra, I'll be skipping so much!

"No but it does, you have the option to take both your midterms for this year and also next years. I've emailed you the curriculum for next year and there's no harm in going for the test. Your father, Ben Carter?" He asked as I nodded.

"He skipped a bunch of years and became a surgeon at twenty seven." I said proudly as he nodded.

"I spoke to him just before this lecture and he said to speak to you first, he would support and help with whatever you chose to do." He said as I picked up the sheet of paper that had the dates and times for all the tests.

"I'll have to think about it." I told him truthfully. There's too many pros and cons I have to weigh out.

"It's no pressure, but do let me know so I can make the necessary arrangements." He said before shaking my hand.

Nodding, I walked right out of the room and made a beeline for Mason's lecture he was scheduled to leave in the next ten minutes and I need to tell someone.

It took me a good five minutes to reach the opposite side of campus and before I knew it I was sat outside the door on my phone while I waited. I leaned my head against the wall and scrolled through my Snapchat memories just as my phone began ringing. Dad.

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