013:🕷️Spider Queen 🕷️

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🕷️Spider Queen x (f) spider D! reader🕷️ 🍋Smut🍋

🕷️- You ran as fast as your feet could carry you. They hadn't stopped chasing you for what felt like hours. You legs felt as if they were going numb, but you pressed on. You knew if they caught you, they'd kill or do far worst to you. You feared for your life, so you kept running and running and running.

🕷️-  The kimono you were wearing was torn from the bushes and the sharp rocks you ran through to get away from your captures. They had taken you from your family and planned to marrying or sell you off to their boss. But, you weren't into men. You only wanted to live freely. You heard the loud sounds of barking getting closer. And you gasped. Your lungs were burning.

🕷️- You hadn't stopped for anything.Until,your legs have out from exhaustion. You helped as you fell, Your beautiful wisteria Kanzashi fell from your hair, making it come undone. You whimpered as you tried to get up. But, your body was aching so much. You heard the dogs growl and bark before a man walked up next to you and roughly grabbed you hair. You let out a scream of pain and he tugged harder. You cried and sobbed begging him to let go.

🕷️- "No! Let me go! Please! Let me go!" You helped as he held you in place. "Please! No more....." You said while sobbing at your last word. Your tried to pry his hand off with what little strength you had left. He roughly slammed your head onto the ground and you yelped. You laid there as he verbally abused you and told you to get up, you gently reached for the hair accessory you lost and slowly tried to pick yourself up.

🕷️- He watched you as you stood up, he walked toward you with a rope and you quickly used the sharp end to stab him in his eye. He yelled in pain as you kept stabbing him while letting out yells of frustration and fear. You had to kill him! You had to! Or he was going to take you back to that awful man. You had to strike first. Who know what sick thing he would have done to you if you didn't.

🕷️- The man's wolves whimpered at their master. You panted and started running again. But the wolves, Oh the wolves wanted vengeance for their master and they continued to chase you until.you her caught at a dead end. You gasped as you tried to face them. You then heard a smooth, silky voice above you, "Poor thing. Tell me, would you like me to save you?" You looked up at the lady with terror. And you quickly said, "Yes! Please, I'll do anything, please save me!"

🕷️- "Excellent. Although, you may wish to look away darlin'." She said. You did as she said and there were sounds of squish and whimpering. You fainted from exhaustion. The last thing you heard was, " Sleep now my dear, we will discuss your role tomorrow." She said her voice sounding kinda sinister and calming. And with that everything went to black.

🕷️- Honestly, Spider Queen didn't know why she wanted you. But, she did. And as far as she was concerned, what a queen wants she gets. It doesn't matter who doesn't like it. She carried you into her den and she smiled as she laid you down on her web. You were absolutely adorable. She just wanted to eat you out-UP! She meant UP!.... YEAH up.

🕷️- She got out of her spider mech and sat down beside you and watched you. Truth be told, she had been watching you for quite sometime. A spider who wasn't under her complete control was something interesting to her. She wanted to know why.

🕷️- She was so focused on you she didn't hear Syntax walk in. "My Queen, preparations have been made for-" he stared at you and her. "Um, I'm not intruding am I?" He asked in a bit of embarrassment and confusion on who you were. "No. Go on." She said while holding onto you. He cleared his throat and continued, um yes, well the preparations for your hostile take over is complete. We've just finished adding to your mech my Queen." 

🕷️- Spider Queen nodded, "Good. Nobody will stop me from getting my throne back. Now begone. I must wait for this little one to wake up. We will discuss what is to become if her later." Syntax nodded and left.  Queen stared down at you, she felt you stir and she knew you were waking up. "Ah, so it would seem my darling new helper has awoken."

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now