018: 🍋🍁Mk/Qi🍁🍋

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🍁evil!Mk x (F) reader 🍁 (Roleswap) 🍋 Lemon 🍋

🍁- You delt with Mk before. Honestly, you didn't seem to care much for what he thought of you. Nor did you care about any insult he threw at you when you and Wukong were fighting him and Macaque. You were completely unbothered.

🍁- And he hated it. He hated how no matter what he did or said to you, you'd keep that same stoic face and sheer look of determination in your eyes. Gods it pissed him off so badly. Your smug little expression when you knocked him and Macaque back during your first fight.

🍁- He hated the fact that you were so happy to lucky and always smiling. Just once could you frown and be sad?! Gods it was annoying and it angered him. Gods why couldn't you see that monkey king was lying to you about everything?! As Macaque said, he was just going to leave you to deal with his mistakes.

🍁- Mk stared up at the ceiling and remained quiet. You had to be in denial. There was so way you weren't. He'd been trained up to fight against Wukong, but here you were, a normal girl who just so happened to gain Wukong's powers. He scoffed at the thought. He decided that the next time you both faught he'd get you all alone.

🍁- and what do you know, that time came rather quickly. You and Wukong were training and outta nowhere Mk's staff came flying out and he managed to knock you far back into the forest. When the staff stopped you went rolling on the ground and held you stomach as you struggled to catch your breath. You quickly stood up ignoring the sudden dizziness that threatened to swallow you.

🍁- You groaned and wiped the blood from your lips and glanced around. you then heard Mk's laugh you you watched him immerged from the shadows, "Gods, you look like shit. That extra push must have did a number on you?" You looked at him with an annoyed and stoic stared, "Ugh, you again? What's your damage dude?! Why do you always come bother me?!" You glared at him.

🍁- Mk shivered and sarcastically said, "Oh- just as cold as ever. And here I was thinking you'd be happy to see me." You scoffed and said, "I'd rather see Red-son stuff a thousand marshmallows in his mouth. Than to ever see you, jerk." You took you battle stance and summoned your staff. Mk stared at you with an calm yet annoyed look. "Y'know, I can't stand that about you. Always so stoic and calm. It's annoying and it's honestly boring."

🍁- You laughed, "There are many things I hate about you. But if I go into detail, I may just hurt your feelings and your pride little boy." Mk clenched his fist tighter and gripped his staff tighter, "Y'know, I was hoping we could just have a nice conversation, but now. I kinda wanna bash your face in and make you listen to me." He said with his tone of voice darkening.

🍁- you smiled and said, "Bring it on, Screwball." He growled and sped towards you and and swung his staff, you dodged backwards and was met with a kick to the stomach. You landed in the ground and quickly rolled to the left and he tried to stomp on your stomach. He tried once more to hit you with his staff, but you used your own to deflect it. You kicked him off of you, he landed On the ground with a grunt of pain and groan.

🍁- He then charged at you once more and you both began fighting with your staffs clashing into one another's, "Y'know He's just using you right? Why would he have any use for you if you didn't have his powers huh? What do you think will happen when he doesn't need you anymore, huh?" Mk said in between grunts. You knocked him back, "Like your one to talk! Your 'Master' has been manipulating you since day one!" Mk growled at both of you began blocking each other's attempts to hit each other's.

🍁- He spoke with an aggression and bile in his voice, "Manipulating me? He's only saying the truth! He knew monkey king personally! And your saying he's lying?!" You punched him in the face making him fall back and drop his staff. You sat on his stomach and trapped his arms Under your legs. You started punching him and talking back to him, "You think you know everything! You don't! Your just a mindless zombie who so carelessly follows his master who might I add, couldn't give to shits about him!"

Monkie Kid x reader (Scenario and headcanons x reader)Where stories live. Discover now