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There's nothing to do. Again. But unlike the other downtimes, something feels... off.
Xavier is pacing, hands wringing, muttering to himself. 
Salina is reassuring Selene in soft tones.
Dante is sitting down and glaring around the room.
Casey and Ashton are sitting in silence.
Kai is watching... his eyes rarely blink, but no one notices.
Leigha, Zaire, and Max are nowhere in sight because I don't know anything about them yet.

Salina: Shh shh shh... I'm okay, I promise, I'm okay...
Selene: B-But you were d-dead- (She speaks between sobs)
Salina: Only for a little while.. see, look at me, I'm okay..

Dante stands up abruptly and marches over to Xavier, shoving him. His eyes glint- he wants to start a fight. It's blindingly clear.

Dante: The hell are you muttering about, nutcase?
Xavier: (He turns away. Dante shoves him again.)
Dante: I said, the hell are you muttering about, nut-
Xavier: (Xavier whips around and punches him squarely in the jaw.) You shut up. I'm not in the mood for your f***ing games.

He turns and leaves the room. Dante curses, cradling his face. Crimson blood drips onto the stark white floors.
Nobody checks if he's okay. He looks around expectantly for a few seconds, before cursing again and storming off.

Casey: (in an attempt to break the silence) I can't decide which of them I hate more.
Salina: Mm.
Selene: Definitely Dante. Though I'm not Xavier's biggest fan either.

Kai and Ashton don't say anything. Casey looks with concern at his... friend?

Casey: You okay man?
Ashton: (His eyes are unfocused, staring at the wall. With what seems like great effort, he turns to Casey and forces a smile.) Yeah. I'm good.
Kai: Would any of you happen to know what happened to the lights earlier? (They turn to him) I mean- It just scared me, I guess.
Salina:(Slowly) No... No, it was weird.
Selene: They went off so suddenly, and when they came back everything seemed the same- but it felt like people were moving past me. It was so creepy. (She shivers)

Casey and Salina meet each other's eyes. Hopefully, whatever she did, they won't figure out that it was her.

Rereading some of the old chapters- some of them seriously need TWs omg

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