More Free Time

19 2 10

Don't worry, next chapter will be a test.

(Salina walks up to Maia.)
Salina: Hey, Maia, can I ask you a favour?
Maia: Hm, what? Oh, sure.
Salina: It's Casey. They took Julian off life support-
Maia: I know.
Salina: And now, I think Casey's lost the will to live.
Maia: Well, duh. His best friend just died.
Salina: Can you fix him?
Maia: ...I'll see what I can do.

(Maia walks into the infirmary, where Casey sits staring at the headstone that replaced Julian's hospital bed.)
The headstone: JULIAN
Maia: (pretend cheerful) Hey, Casey!
Casey: He's dead.
Maia: Ummm... I know?
Casey: I may as well be dead.
Maia: ARGH, come on!
(She puts her hands under his arms and heaves him up to a standing position, he's limp. When she lets go, he falls, but she catches him.)
Maia: Oh, Casey. Would Julian want you to be giving up?
Casey: I dunno, but he'd be doing it if I died.
Maia: And, you would've yelled at him.
Casey: But I'd be dead. That would be good.
Maia: Alright, whatever. So Julian would be sad, but then he'd stop, so that he could take revenge.
Casey: Well, I don't care.
Maia: Shut up. Get up. Come on, egghead, hold up your own weight!
(Casey sighs, but does what she says.)
Maia: Better. Now stop moping and at least ACT cheerful.
Casey: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. WHATEVER.
(Maia leads him out of the infirmary. He grins, but Maia can tell that it's fake.)
Casey: Hi everyone!
Salina: Oh thank mother Angel. You're better!
Selene: Hi, Case.
(Lulu is sitting in the corner. She is crying and not saying anything. Maia goes over and talks to her.)
Casey: Yeah, I'm good, great, fine, cool, whatever.
(Lulu stands up and applies the same fake grin.)
Lulu: Casey! You're okay! I'm okay. I'm totally great. I'm fine. Yeah.

318 words! Yay!

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